Monday, May 23, 2016

Tuesday Morning 2.5 Jog

When I woke up this morning, I felt a bit tired from the workout on the previous night.
So I lower the expectation of myself and took a walk instead of start running right away.

As I walked to a nearby park, the sun strongly beat down on me.
By the time I reached the park, I was already sweating slightly on my forehead.
Local elderly people were cheerfully playing field golf.
A little overweight young man was slowing jogging around a track.
I started running around the track clockwise at a very slow pace.
After running 500 M, I realized I had forgotten to activate my stopwatch.
I started taking my lap from the second round on.
My body was heavy until the fourth lap was over.
I injected a bit of pace in the fifth lap,
switching the pace from my full marathon pace to half marathon pace.

The result of the workout this morning is as follows:

1st 500 M: ---
2nd 500 M: 2:37
3rd 500 M: 2:39
4th 500 M: 2:41
5th 500 M: 2:24

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