Tuesday, May 31, 2016

May 31 Midnight Semi-Barefoot 5 K Run and High Intensity Cardio

I went running in a new pair of five-finger shoes after coming home from work.
My daily target is 5 K.
I usually run 2.5 K in the morning,
and another 2.5 K at night,
but I skipped my training this morning
because I stayed at a hotel and didn't have running wear,
so I made up for it by running 5 K at one time.

Instead of running 5 K straight away,
I stopped by this park at the 1.1 K mark,
and did some high intensity cardio.

Today I did three exercises for twenty seconds each
with almost no rest between exercises,
and did them three sets.
They are: 1) lying pull-ups; 2) pike push-ups; 3) jumping knee tucks.

Lying pull-ups mainly hit lats, bi-ceps and forearms.
Pike push-ups engage shoulders and trips, and a little bit of abs.
Jumping knee tucks elevate your heart rate like crazy
by driving all your leg muscles.

When you try to do as many reps as you can
in a period of twenty seconds,
your main source of energy is glycogen.
When you do all three exercise intensively with little rest,
you get to run out of your body's glycogen very quickly.
When you get right back to long slow cardio like running,
you don't have much glycogen left in your muscle,
so what your body has to do is tap your fat reserve
to create the energy to allow you to continue your exercise.
This is one way to maximize your body fat loss,
and my purpose of inserting it during my running training is exactly that.
It was a short quick exercise for a little longer than 3 minutes,
but the impact was great.

Once it was done, I hit the road again and kept on running
till I covered 5 K.

Today's result is as follows:
2.5 K 12:45
2.5 K: 11:28
Total 5 K: 24:13 (equivalent to a 4:50/K pace)

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