Thursday, December 31, 2020

Yuki Sato Gets Section Prize for 4th Leg of New Year's Ekiden Race

Yuki Sato of SG Holdings got section prize for renewing the course record for the 4th leg of the New Year Ekiden Race. Congratulations to you, Yuki Sato. You are the best-est.

Yuki Sato has been one of the leading long-distance runners of Japan ever since he displayed his eminence in his junior high school days.

His record from 2007 for the 1st leg of the famous Hakone Ekiden Race still stands as the best time for that section 13 years after his achievement.

However, over the last decade or so he didn't seem to live up to everyone's expectations. A big disappointment was in major marathons. He would run at a brisk pace until 30 K. But then he would almost always slow down after that. It seemed as if he hadn't done the training necessary to finish a marathon strongly.

But as I saw him run today, I'm beginning to think that it's more fair to say that marathon is not his ball game. The half marathon distance is where he excels most.

Sir Mo Farah decided to race in 10000m again after running several marathons with one win in a major marathon and some better-than-average results. Marathon isn't his ball game. 10000m is. The same can be said with Yuko.

Yuki is 34. Some say he's too old to win. But Carlos Lopes of Portugal won the gold medal at the summer Olympics in Los Angles in 1984 when he was 37. Long-distance runners can be at their best in their mid 30s if they maintain their mind-body well. If Yuki takes good care of himself, optimizes his training, and races in the distances that bring out the best in him, I believe he can continue to perform well in major races for a few more years down the road.

Sunday, December 27, 2020

Hill Intervals: 4 Sets by 1 K @ 4:25 + Bonus K

Dec. 28, 2020 1:00-2:30 A.M.  Cloudy, 4℃

Warm Up 2 K: 12:02.45

1st K: 4:22.13

Rest: 1:00.57

2nd K: 4:23.72

Rest: 1:00.40

3rd: 4:16.19

Rest: 1:00.52

4th K: 4:25.04

Rest: 1:00.75

Warm Down 3 K: 18:31.55

Bonus K: 4:25.42

Rest: 1:00.62

Warm Down 2.5 K: 15:25.00

Total 12.5 K: 1:12:54 

I'm so glad I was able to do one set more than in the previous interval training. 

Friday, December 25, 2020

Hill Intervals: 3 Sets by 1 K @ 4:25

Dec. 25, 2020

Merry Christmas to you all!

Warm Up 2 K: 12:16.00

1st K: 4:25.54

Rest: 1:00.38

2nd K: 4:20.37

Rest: 1:00.52

3rd K: 4:14.48

Rest: 1:00.81

Warm Down 3 K: 18:24.00

8 K: 48:42.79


Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Midnight Barefoot Jog

Dec. 23, 2020

10.8 K: 1:02:25

After coming home from work, I wanted to a short lecture by Brian Tracy. I have an important corporate seminar tomorrow. I wanted to get some useful information from the world-renowned motivational speaker. 

The temperature was -1.9 degrees Celsius when I left home. I had bundled up expect for my feet which had nothing on. 

A minute into the run, I regretted not wearing shoes. It was freezing. My feet were so cold to the point of being painful from the cold. I hoped they would feel numb to the cold, but they remained cold and painful for the next 10 minutes or so. 

Ten minutes on the road, the feet finally got adapted to the freezing temperature and cruel hardness of the concrete road. I kept on going like an automaton. 

In the second half I felt warmed up, finding myself gradually picking up the pace without being aware of it myself at first. I could have gone on for another hour, but I didn't, because anything beyond that could leave me fatigued tomorrow morning. And tomorrow I have an important event where I need lots of energy to influence people. 

Friday, December 18, 2020

Midnight Barefoot Jog & Body Weight Muscle Training

 Dec. 18, 2020

I got out in shoes. But it didn't feel right. So I returned home, kicked the shoes off, and hit the road again. This time it felt right though in no time both feet got numb from the freezing cold. The sky was so cloudless, and the stars were beautiful. The Winter Triangle is always the first one to greet me. It's so majestic. I like it when it looks as though it hadn't moved a bit when I return from an hour-long job. 


6.2 K: 34:54.84

Body weight muscle training: 8:20.19

4 sets by [Single-hand push-ups (30 sec) + Slow pull-up (30 sec)]

※15-sec rest between exercises and sets

5:8 K: 32:43.47

Total 12 K: 1:15:58

New Hilly Course

Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Midnight Jog in MUTEKI

Dec. 16, 2020

14.9 K: 1:24:01

1 K: 4:27.51

Total 15.9 K: 1:28:30

It was 0.3 degrees Celsius when I left home. It was freezing cold. But the night sky was beautiful. The stars were so clear, especially the Winter Triangle as I headed to the south. I wondered why the Petelgeuse of the Orion is one of the three stars forming the triangle when the Rigel is brighter. But as I picked up the pace into a wider road, I focused on the lecture I was listening to by world-renowned sales consultant Brian Tracy, with the thought of the stars soon pushed to the back of my mind.  

I ran without deciding how far I was going. Ten K seemed too little, so I definitely wanted to go beyond that. When I covered 8.9 K, I felt I was able to run minimum 5 K more, so I added extra 3.2 K instead of going straight back the out and return course. 

I ran a little faster than in an average jog, because it felt easy. After completing a 10 K tempo run on a very hilly out-and-return course, I was able to climb hills with ease without slowing down. I feel my glutes have become significantly stronger thanks to the hard training.

I changed the gear and surged in the last K to cover the last kilometer in 4:27.51.

Friday, December 11, 2020

10 K Hill Tempo Run

Dec. 11, 2020

Warm Up 2 K: 12:00.45

<10 K Hill Tempo Run: Ultimate Target=4:35/K>

1st K: 4:31.27

I started off at a brisk pace, but was also careful not to go too quick. Extended my stride when going down, and increased cadence and ran in a shorter stride when going up for running economy.                                                                              

2nd K: 4:41.78

The Ks in the even number sets are harder, because the uphill is steeper than the Ks in the odd number sets. The lap deteriorates. But that's expected. 

3rd K: 4:42.68

The heart rate is still significantly high mainly from hammering up the uphill in the last phase of the second K. Want to bring it to a decent level, but soon comes a long downhill where I inevitably increase the pace for a time gain. Once I hit the bottom of the downhill, a slight uphill comes. The incline is minimum, so I control my breathing here to prepare for the second half which is mainly an uphill, not as steep as the last hill of the even number sets. 

4th K: 4:36.65

Surprisingly, the lap was better than the one that immediately preceded it though this one should be harder and therefore the time was expected to be worse. This is mainly because my body was gradually adapted to the fast pace.   

5th K: 4:39.97

I carried on at about the same pace. 

6th K: 4:44.53

The fast pace in the previous two sets slowly started taking a toll on my legs. An inner talk began. Should I quit with this lap? Or should I push myself through till the end???

7th K: 4:41.73

Lactic acid starts building in the legs, making it harder and harder to keep a brisk pace, let along increase it! 

8th K: 4:47.48

Shocked to see my time. It's not even under 4:45. I feel like crying from misery. But promise myself not to be a quitter. I keep on going into the 9th set.  

9th K: 4:43.26

I keep saying to myself, "Two more sets, and it's all over. Two more sets. Just two more sets."

Final K: 4:37.41

A prospect of imminent finish lifts my spirit. I work my arms more to keep a brisk pace. Gave everything I had while climbing the hill. When I reached the top, I felt like nothing more was left in my tank. But there was still a hundred meters to go. I try to surge, but my body won't respond. It feels as though my throat was choked with sand and half-digested pasta was welling up from the stomach. I felt sick to the core. But I pushed. And push I did to finally crossed the finish line to cover the last K in the 3rd best lap for the night.  

Sub-total 10 K: 46:47

Warm Down 2 K: 12:17.92

Total 12 K: 1:11:05

Wednesday, December 9, 2020

Post-Dinner Barefoot Run

Dec. 9, 2020

4.78 K: 27:00.00

Body weight muscle training: 8:14.90

3 Sets of [Eccentric Single-Handed Push-Ups (30 sec) + Slow Pull-Ups (30 sec]

4.78 K: 26:55.99

Total 9.56 K: 53:55.99

Got out for a second barefoot run for the night. The ball of the left foot was slightly in dull pain. It was probably from the training on the previous night. I went easy to avoid injury.                                                                            

The sole felt a little sore. I regretted not wearing shoes. But it was too late. I was already well into 1 K when I realized that. 

When you feel discomfort while running, all you can do is "cope with" it. It's a very important part of daily training, because that's what it's all about--"deal with it" when something unexpected happens during a race. 

To my delight, though, the discomfort in the sole increasingly felt manageable as I went on. I was pleasantly surprised by the human ability to adapt to the environment to withstand pain. 

I made a body weight training stop at the Minamisizu Central Park near Minamishizu Elementary School. I trained my upper body for a little less than ten minutes. It was quick, but highly intensive. It hit lats, arms, core and chest. 

A warm shower after coming home from the run was heavenly. While taking a shower, I washed two pairs of my running shows which I almost never wear when running. They are mostly for urban use. 

Tomorrow after a bit event is over, I want to put myself to a test. I am going to do a 10 K tempo run. At my previous attempt I was able to run under the target only in the last of four laps. Tomorrow night I will aim for 2 laps under the target. Anything better than that is a bonus.  

Pre-Dinner Barefoot Run

Dec. 9, 2020

1 K: 5:33.88
2 K: 11:33.13
1 K: 5:52.29
Total 4 K: 22:59.30

Hit the nearby park to run on the lawn in bare feet shortly after the sunset. It was mostly deserted but several locals were spotted here and there. A couple of young boys were playing soccer, and a handful of elderlies were talking a walk. A woman, who wasn't present when I got there, was seen running the oval walking path inside the park. We got close to each other a few times while I shunted back and forth across the park. The walking path is not very comfortable to run on, because it's either bare soil or covered with wood chips. I sometimes intentionally run it to toughen my soles. But today is not the day. My soles were a little sore from the barefoot run on the previous night. Today I needed to let them recover. 

The lawn felt so cold already, and my feet started feeling numb after running for several minutes. It felt as if my feel were cut off from the ankle, and I was landing on the soil directly on the cutting edge of the bottom of the shin. 

A long warm bath felt like seventh heaven after the run. 

My next mission is to recharge my bodies batteries and fuel myself for another run late at night. I'm going to have angler-fish hot pot tonight. Rich in collagen and highly nutritious. 


Tuesday, December 8, 2020

Midnight Barefoot Run in the Rain

Dec. 8, 2020

<On the Lawn>

1 K: 6:04.25

1 K: 5:15.18

1 K: 5:39.19

1 K: 5:56.96

<On the Road>

5.84 K: 35:00.00

<On the Lawn>

1.7 K: 9:00.31

Total 11.54 K: 1:07:55

I ran in bare feet after a long time. It felt cold on the lawn and hurt a little also at first. But soon both soles got numb to both the cold and the pain. 

It started raining 3 K into the run. I decided to call it a day after running another K. 

While running my 4th K I felt a slight discomfort in my left kidney. It was a funny feeling. I hardly ever feel any discomfort in my kidneys. I wanted to see what's going to happen if I continued to run. After running 4 K, I get off the lawn and hit the road. I aimed to run an out and return 6 K course rich in undulation. It's mostly straight and the road condition is good most of the way. I ran comfortably. In no time I found myself having completely forgotten about the kidney problem. 

While taking a shower after coming home from the training, I felt a sharp pain in my right heel. I took a close look to find a black dot in the skin. After the shower I sat on the floor and took an even closer look. A black piece of obsidian-like chip of stone was stuck in the horny layer. I picked it with a pair of tweezer. It easily came out. After that there was no pain. 

I hope to jog for an hour or so on Thursday. And hopefully on Friday or Saturday night I will have a tempo run.

Thursday, December 3, 2020

Interval Training: 6 Sets by 1 K @ 4:25

Dec. 4, 2020

Warm Up 3.68 K: 20:54.42

Rest: 45.35


1st K: 4:19.58

Rest: 1:00.36

2nd K: 4:16.12

Rest: 1:00.38

3rd K: 4:21.56

Rest: 1:00.47

4th K: 4:11.92

Rest: 1:00.33

5th K: 4:20.26

Rest: 1:00.49

6th K: 4:18.10

Warm Down 3.4 K: 20:40.32

Total 13.08 K: 1:13:09

I ran under the target of 4:25/K in all six sets. It feels awesome! It started feeling tough around the 5th set, but up to that point my body felt a lot lighter than before, and breathing was notably easier. I think it owes a lot to the completion of the 10 K tempo run the other day.