Thursday, June 2, 2016

June 2 Midnight Weighted 2.5 K Semi-Barefoot Run

I ran 2. 5 K in five-fingers shoes with no cushion.
I ran with a 2 kg weight in each of my hands.
I mentioned the benefit of weighted run in one of my previous posts.
Today I would like to write about another benefit
that I didn't mention before.
That's efficiency of running from.
When you run with weights in your hands,
a small inefficiency in your arm swing can cause extreme discomfort.
Naturally, you adjust your arm swing
so that the discomfort will be minimized,
thus giving your the most efficient arm swing.

Somehow your body remembers that arm swing of yours.
So even when you run without weights,
you automatically run in that form, 
thus arriving at a more efficient running from.

When I first learned this benefit,
I thought the same could be said about
private corporations trying to find ways to cut costs
when they struggle financially.

It seems to be a universal truth
that things thrive in adversity,
and regress in peace...

Tonight I ran the distance above in 12:11,
which is equivalent to a 4:52/K pace.
Not bad when you consider the extra 4 kg of weight
that I carried while running.
Hopefully, I will gradually increase the distance of weighted running.

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