Saturday, January 4, 2020

12 K Build-Up in the Rain

Jan. 4, 2019
Warm Up 880 M: 6:16.65
6 K: 33:35.19
6 K: 28:56.25
Warm Down 880 M: 6:13.16
Total 13.76 K: 1:15:01

With New Year's all three big long-distance events over, I can now focus on my own training leading to my next big race on the last Sunday of this month: "Tateyama Wakashio Marathon 2020." 

I ran a 6 K loop tonight, first slowly and then in the second round faster. 

It started raining during the first lap, and then the rain slowly grew heavier as time went by. The shoes got wet, and the feet felt cold, but I pressed on, saying to myself that bad weather won't be an excuse for poor performance in a real race. 

I aimed to run under 29:30 in the second lap, but finished under the target. 

Tomorrow I'd like to run longer, hopefully beyond 15 K, but at a pace much slower than tonight. I will choose a course that I haven't run for a while just for a change. I'd like run many steep uphills as the next race has a giant uphill near the 30 K mark. I want to be prepared for the challenge both physically and mentally.

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