Monday, March 11, 2019

10.2 K Run + Two 400-M Hill Sprints

March 8, 2019
5.1 K: 30:27.77
400 M Hill Sprint: 1:49.33
400 M Jog: 2:45.09
400 M Hill Spring: 1:39.38
400 M Jog: 2:47.77
5.1 K: 26:49.19
Total 12.6 K: 1:06:18

Ever since I read this book by former ultra marathon world best record holder Mr. Takahiro Sunada, constant practice has become my key word. Before reading his book, I would rest more often, believing that rest was an important part of athletic growth. While there is truth in it, there is also truth in the idea that if you push beyond your comfort zone, your body will respond to it, thus growing stronger as a result.

So the day following interval training I was out on the road cruising along my familiar 10.2 K winding shuttle course. 

I felt heavy at first, but twenty-five minutes into the session, I was warmed up, and prepared to do something more than a steady-paced slow run. I mixed in two 400 M hill sprints. Greater resistance on my legs was anticipated discomfort. There is growth when you get over it. I pressed hard. 

I was happy about this additional challenge. Satisfied, I started off for the second half. The heaviness in the initial phase of the session had long been forgotten. I felt as light as a feather. I increased the pace, feeling my heart beat faster and faster. I imagined the last couple of meters of my next marathon, and surged. To my surprise my body responded with ease. I maintained the fast pace all the way home. When I stocked my timer, it said 26:49, almost three minutes and a half faster than the first half. I was satisfied.  

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