Wednesday, March 13, 2019

10 K Build-Up in MUTEKI

 March 13, 2019
Warm Up 750 M: 6:38.52
2.5 K : 16:11.42 (Target=16:15.00 / 6:30/K)
2.5 K : 14:40.77 (Target=14:10.00 / 5:40/K)
2.5 K : 11:45.13 (Target=12:17.00 / 4:55/K)
2.5 K : 10:25.92 (Target=11:15.00 / 4:30/K)
Warm Down 750 M: 6:18:34 
Total 11.5 K: 1:06:00

Today is the first training day of the second last week before the race. I was originally scheduled to just jog for 60 minutes. But I wasn't too motivated to just run at a slow pace for an hour. I found it too mundane. So I decided to change the pace every 2.5 K, and also to run a different course.

I Google-mapped the course below. It's a simple loop with only two right-angled corners. Very easy to run. There are a number of traffic lights along the course, but it being the small hours, there was little traffic to watch out for. Nothing distracted me. I was totally zoned in.

I ran the first 2.5 K at a very slow pace, mainly checking my form and resultant feeling by changing the stride, cadence, and landing positing. Eventually I settled into the most comfortable form, which happens to be the most efficient one also. 

After the first lap I gradually increased the pace, first to my sub-4 full marathon pace, next to my average half marathon pace, and finally to my average 10 K pace. 

Though I fell short of the target in the second lap, in the third and fourth I was well under the target. I was glad. 

Tomorrow is interval day. I haven't decided exactly what to do. But I am going to listen to the voice of my mindbody, and decide to do what it calls for. 

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