Thursday, January 3, 2019

One Hour Weighted Jog in MUTEKI

Jan. 3, 2019
20 pull-ups
Body weight circuit training: 5 sets by 3 exercises:
1) Handstand
2) Tower pull in squat position
3) Various push ups.
Weighted 10.2 K jog
1st 5.1 K: 30:18.68
2nd 5.1 K: 30:37.61
Total 10.2 K: 1:00:56 

I had three exercise sessions today. The first is pull ups. I did 20 reps. Not in a row, but one by one. It's not very challenging. But that's OK, because I had lost a significant amount of upper body strength by focusing mainly on running training and neglecting training upper body. I will increase my pull up count little by little as I regain my upper body strength.

I also did some body weight circuit training before going for a jog. I did so mainly in order to use up much of my body's glycogen. This way my body will start tapping my body fat reserve to find energy source for my running. 

I went of an hour jog with a 2 kg dumbbell in each hand. Ever since I lost weight by almost 3 kg, I've been feeling a lot lighter, but running has become easier. Naturally, I've been taking advantage of my weight loss by running faster. But I am worried about losing power. I'm not sure if running weighted is the right thing to do, but I want to test the consequence of training this way. I am expecting to increase my ability to resist gravitational pull. In a race I expect this strength to work favorably when I run uphill. I also expect it to strength my shoulders too. The shoulders had been the most underdeveloped part of my body until recently, and I've been trying to develop them since I realized that. I intend to continue to jog with weights, and see how I will feel when I practice fast runs without them. I'm hoping the benefit is favorable. 

While jogging tonight, I was listening to a lecture on time management by world-renowned sale consultant and motivational speaker Brian Tracy. I had listened to a similar lecture before, but the one I listened to tonight was more condensed and spoken fairly rapidly mainly because he tried to put what would be otherwise stretched over two hours into a less-than-an-hour lecture. I copied the first 10 tips out of 21 onto my IC recorder and listened to it twice during an hour-long jog. 

I wasn't able to learn all ten points by heart just by listening while running, but one thing that remains on my mind is to make a list of things you want to do daily. It will structure your day, gives you a sense of accomplishment each time you finish a task from the list. To begin with, I penciled in two top priority task on my day planner, and four tasks to do tomorrow morning before I go to work. Let's see how it will affect my life.

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