Thursday, July 30, 2020

Recent Training: Intermittent Tempo Run

Combining jogging and body weight muscle training has been going well. I feel pumped as before. And insertion of muscle training after each short jog helps me reset my motivation to continue a slow run that is usually boring. 

Also, I discovered a new approach to tempo run. I'd call it 'intermittent tempo run' because it's a pseudo-sustained effort broken into several chunks. I accidentally reached this approach when I found it difficult to keep the target pace of 4:35/K when I reached 3.52 K. In the past I might have quit training altogether if I wasn't able to execute the planned training regimen. But tonight I switched to jogging to recharge my batteries, and when I felt strong enough, I re-started tempo run. When it became hard to keep on going, again I switched to jogging instead of just quitting the whole event. I'm not saying that this is the ideal way. I'm simply saying anything is better than total abandonment. This approach, incidentally, has an added bonus of gaining running volume. The jogging part doesn't feel like serious running compared with the faster part, so you end up running much longer than you originally planned to run by inserting jogging as an active rest between tempo runs. 

July 28, 2020
<10 K jog + body weight muscle training>

Warm up 600 M: 3:18.61
Body weight muscle training: 4:30.41
Lying pull-ups: 3 sets by 12 reps = 36 resp
Pike push-ups: 12 reps + 10 reps + 8 reps + 6 reps = 36 reps

2.6 K jog: 156:01.10

Body weight muscle training: 5:16.87
Lying pull-ups: 20 reps + 20 reps = 40 resp
Pike push-ups: 12 reps + 10 reps + 8 reps + 6 reps = 36 reps

2.6 K jog: 14:44.88

Body weight muscle training: 5:42.37
Lying pull-ups: 3 sets by 12 reps = 36 resp
Pike push-ups: 12 reps + 10 reps + 8 reps + 6 reps = 36 reps

2.6 K jog: 15:02.53

Body weight muscle training: 4:00.87
4 push-ups: 7 resp + 6 reps = 13 reps
Lying pull-ups: 20 reps + 17 reps = 37 reps

2.6 K jog: 15:04.90

Warm down 600 M: 3:36.87 

Total 11.6 K: 1:26:19

July 30, 2020
<Intermittent tempo run @ 4:01.08/880 M>

Warm up 810 M: 5:36.94

1st 880 M: 4:03.07
2nd 880 M: 4:01.96
3rd  880 M: 4:01.18
4th 880 M: 3:56.30

Active rest 1.3 K: 8:40.02

5th 880 M: 4:02.91
6th 880 M: 4:01.19
7th 880 M: 3.55.27

Active rest 1.3 K: 8:57.04

8th 880 M: 3:59.56
9th 880 M: 4:05.63

Active rest 1.3 K: 9:12.58

10th 880 M: 3:57.62

Warm down 810 M: 5:34.24

Total 14.32 K: 1:18:05

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