Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Rainy Midnight 1-Hour Jog in Aqua Shoes

July 21, 2020
11.3 K: 1:05:11

My calves were stiff from the 10 K build-up yesterday. I wanted to go for a slow recovery jog. It started drizzling shortly before midnight. I hit the road in bare feet, but soon realized that the sole was still a little too sensitive from the fast run on the previous night, so just to be on the safe side I put on a pair of aqua shoes for minimal protection. 

In addition to running for recovery, I needed another reason to motivate myself, so I Googled a new course for a change. The new course is 11.3 K, and much of it overlaps with the roads I usually run. But there is a brief additional loop between 2.7 and 5 K. This loop is part of the course that I would run every month when I was in junior high. It was a monthly athletic event of my school. Back then I was on the tennis team. But the training was insanely tough. Some of it included long-distance endurance training. So many members had pretty good cardio. Many of us, including myself, would often run well. Not as fast as those on the track & field team, but not so far away.  As I ran that part of the new course, those memories were fondly remembered. 

Tonight I kept two things in mind:
1) leg turnover
2) breathing

As far as leg turnover, I aimed at between 180 and 190 per minute. Those are good indicators of running economically. 

In terms of breathing, I aimed at 8 beat, inhaling with 4 steps and exhaling with 4 steps. This is my norm for easy jogging.

Tomorrow I will take a rest. On Thursday night I am planning to run the same course again to check my cadence and breathing. Then on Friday, I would like to do intervals.  

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