Sunday, September 1, 2019

100-Minute Jog in MUTEKI

Sept. 1, 2019
16.8 K: 1:40:26

The nasty blister on my right sole seems steadily healing. All I need to do, I hope, is just wait. 

It's exactly two weeks until my first race in Race Season 2019-2022. It's the Kyoho no Oka 18.3 K Road Race held in Yamanashi. The race is known for its altitude difference between the start and finish point. It's more than 300 M. Once you start, an upward pitch continues for almost 10 K. Then once you reach the highest point, it's all downhill until the finish line, EXCEPT there are two menacingly steep hills in the last three kilometers which make many runners stop running to walk every year. I welcome those hill, and I bet some of the hardcore fans of this race do too.

I ran the course below at a comfortable pace, covering 16. 8 K in about 100 minutes. The main purpose is to get my body used to sustain cardio-vascular effort for as long as I run the race. The long slow run was also good to actively recover from the partially fast-paced run yesterday.  

Tomorrow I go to Kyoto on business. I am going to give myself a rest at night. On Tuesday I'm planning to jog for an hour. And on Wednesday night I'll be doing some short intensive interval training. 

P.S. While running, I listened to two audio lectures. One is entitled "How to Make People Fall in Love with You". The other is about leadership by John Maxwell. According to John Maxwell, it's impossible to become a successful leader if you are not healthy. And he sounded particularly adamant about the importance of mental health. To my mind and body are inseparably connected, so physical health and mental health are two sides of the same coin, and it's hard to make one strong without making the other strong also. My personal strategy is to focus on building physical strength. It seems mental strength follows along the way.                                     

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