Sunday, November 22, 2020

14 K Barefoot Run

Nov. 22, 2020

3.5 K: 18:48.68

3.5 K: 18:11.32

3.5 K: 18:11.91

3.5 K: 16:50.97

14 K: 1:12:02

It's been 4 days since I ran last. In the previous training there was a brief body weight muscle training session after the first and third 3.5 K. Tonight I wanted to keep on running without any intermittent disruptions.  

I started off slowly. The legs felt heavy and breathing hard. I felt bad about not being able to run for the last few days due to preparation for an important corporate seminar. 

But once I hit the first 3.5 K the initial heaviness of legs was mysteriously gone. I kept on going almost in a metronomic tempo.

In the last 3.5 K I increased the pace to cover it under 17 minutes. More than half of this out and return course has poorly-maintained road surface, which prevents me from picking up the pace, but where the road surface was smooth, I surged like I do in a race, which resulted in one big blister in the right sole! But that's OK. It's one of those things. It happens all the time. It'll be all right in a few days, and the sole will have been toughened by then. 

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