Friday, April 14, 2017

Alternate Runs: [1-Minute Jog + 1-Minute Fast Run] by 10 Sets

I ran for twenty minutes after work today,
because I was just in the mood to.
I had a very productive day, getting a lot done
both in private life and at work,
and I wanted to do something that I like
just to reward myself for all the jobs well-done.

I did alternate runs today.
A slow jog seemed to monotonous.
It was too late to do major interval training;
I have an early start tomorrow.
So I decided to do something in between.
In alternate run you jog for a minute,
and run fast for another minute,
and repeat this cycle all together ten times.

Lactic acid started building up in my legs
around the sixth set.
I knew it because my legs started feeling heavy.
But I recovered while doing the following three sets,
and in the last set I finished fairly strongly.
I'm glad I did the training.
My mind is totally refreshed.
But physically I'm so exhausted.
I am ready to sleep like a baby.

One more day to go, and then I have two days off.
I've got some exciting plans lined up for the weekend.
Cannot wait.

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