Monday, August 19, 2019

3 Sets by 6 K Pace Run @ 4:55/K Pace

Aug. 19, 2019
6 K: 27:23.21
Rest: 1:30.08
6 K: 29:25.26
Rest: 1:30.23
6 K: 29:36.59
Total 18 K:1:29.25 

Yesterday I aimed for 18 K, but gave up after running only 6 K. Tonight I was determined to make up for it.

I got out in running socks by Oleno.
It's been a while since I wore them last. The running socks by Oleno are made with a durable material, and do not easily rip. They lasted for about three months before I got my first hole in one of them. It's equivalent to about 15 times of use. It means each use costs 252 yen. It isn't very cheap, in my opinion. I wish it had lasted much longer. But my running form was probably not so efficient back then. There must have been a lot of friction with the road. If I get a brand-new pair now, they will probably last much longer as I am more accomplished as a barefoot runner now.

Tonight I aimed to run 6 K three times @ 4:55/K pace with a short rest between sets. My target time for the first two sets was 29:30, and that for the last set 27:30. But I ended up running the first set the fastest, the second set a little under the target, and the last a bit over the target.

I got two bloody blisters in my right toe. What does that tell you? Well, by wearing sock for protection, my running form was slightly off. To be more precise, I kicked the road more than usual to gain momentum. It's not good. Forward movement should be created by smooth shifting of the center of gravity into the direction I'm going.

Anyhow there is a big callus on the ball of my right foot, and it's bothering me. I will continue to wear something while training to keep it from getting worse. Now I have two blisters in the toe, so I will be wearing split-toe minimalist shoes MUTEKI this week. Hopefully, the callus will have been gone by my first race on Sept. 15.


  1. i hope u r treating the callus throughout the day
    i developed lots of it years ago. It lasted 1 year with treatment cuz i'm a stubborn kid n refused to wear shoes during PE classes lol

    1. Thanks for the advice, Sad. In fact, I bought some medicine several days ago, and applied it to my callus. A thick layer of dead skin came off a few days later, under which, though, appeared yet another layer of callus, less thick. I applied some more medicine to it, and it's been a while since then. I am going to take off the medical patch tonight, and see how it looks. Hopefully, it will be as smooth as silk ribbon then.
      BTW, are you a long-distance runner, Sad?

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  4. big oof, hope it gets better
    not really, i'm pretty new to it. But not to running, i do short-distance mostly
