Wednesday, April 4, 2018

6 K Barefoot Run

I ran 6 K this morning in bare feet. The pace was a little faster than two days ago. I didn't mean to run faster. But when I got home and saw my watch, I was almost three minutes faster. I guest my will power tank was full after a good night's sleep, and I was physically fully recharged as well. I enjoyed overtaking cars caught in a traffic jam. It's a laughable irony that runners can be faster than cars during rush hours. There is some soreness left in my right foot from the Sakura Marathon, so I won't go for a longer and faster run any time soon. I will continue to run a short distance like this, but will do so frequently to stay in shape. I'm invited to a relay race held in the US Air Base in Yokota in May. So I will do some speed-focused training a few weeks prior to it. My mind is already set to run the race without shoes. I will continue to improve the durability of my sole until then.

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