Saturday, March 12, 2016

Cruise Ks, Sit-n-Kick Ks, and 100-M Sprints

I did interval training and some sprints this morning
to get the heart pumping and the blood running.

I began with cruise Ks as warm up.
In cruise Ks you run 1K at comfortable pace.
In my case this is a full marathon pace of 5:20-5:40/K.
You then take a short rest of 30 seconds
before starting your next set.
I did it 5 sets today until I kind of felt bored
and wanted something else for a change.

The second training I did was sit-n-kick Ks.
The difference between cruise Ks and sit-n-kick Ks is this:
While in cruise Ks, you keep the same pace throughout the distance,
in sit-n-kick Ks you put on a spurt in the last 100 M.
This I believe helps you develop your ability to change the pace in a race flexibly.

When I did sit-n-kick Ks two sets, I was reasonably fatigued,
so I decided to call it a day
as I was expecting to take the TOEIC Test in the afternoon,
and I didn't want to completely wear myself out.

But as I walked back home, my heart rates quieted down,
and the fatigue I had felt a minute before seemed eased.
So I decided to burn some extra calories by doing 100-M sprints.

Villagers huddled together in the park for Cherry Blossom Festival,
and the smell of burning charcoal reached my nostrils
as I ran around it.
Strong men were scaffolding a portable shrine.
Grandchildren of local elderly people were there to help out.
Housewives were preparing veggies needed to make festival food.
And cherry blossoms were shivering in the hazy shade of leaving winter.

I did 100-M sprints three sets.
The first two were all right.
But then the last one was unbearably painful because I pushed myself,
and I almost felt like I was going to puke,
so I quit.

Today's result is as follows:

<Cruise Ks>
Warm Up K: 6:52
Rest: 30 seconds
2st K: 5:05
Rest 30 seconds
3nd K: 5:12
Rest 30 seconds
4rd K 5:19
Rest 30 seconds
5th K: 5:09
Rest: 1 minute

<Sit-n-Kick Ks>
6th K: 5:01
Rest 1 minute
7st K: 4:59
Rest: 2 minutes

 <100-M Sprints>
1st Set: 15:20
Rest: 1 minute
2nd Set: 15:28
Rest: 1 minute
3rd Set: 15.89

I still don't feel motivated to run longer distances.
I try not to think it's a bad thing.
I am no superman.
I was reasonably burned out after the Ohme 30 K Road Race.
Forcing myself to do hard training would only create a counter reaction.
I will stick to a comfortable pace for a while
and wait for a burning desire to develop from within
to compel myself to cover longer distances.

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