Saturday, September 12, 2020

Midnight Barefoot Run

 Sept. 12, 2020

The rains are gone. Stars shone from behind sporadic clouds. For the first time this fall I spotted the Orion constellation rising from the eastern sky. The air is significantly cooler than yesterday. It's less humid too as the rain clouds carried away with them the humidity of the summer. It's the best season for a night run. And it is also this time of year that you can enjoy the fruits of all the hard training you did during the summer. Breathing feel tremendously easier than while running the grueling summer heat. 

I set off without deciding how far I would go. I had a good long run last night. It's kind of a recovery day today.  I started off very slowly around the 2.5 K loop. It's been a while since I last ran barefooted due to the right foot pain. It's healed enough to allow me to have a run without shoes. But I didn't want to be set back again by pushing too much too soon. 

In the second round I increased the pace a little to see how that'd affect my foot. It was pain free. I was relieved. 

I slowed down again for the 3rd round. While running, I felt a sharp stinging pain on my right sole. I thought it's a small chip of stone. I stopped and brushed the sole with my hand, and ran again. The pain seemed to have disappeared, but then it came back from time to time. Later when I checked the sole at home, something like a small piece of obsidian was stuck in the mid-side. It stayed inside the hardened dead skin, but a tiny part has penetrated it to hurt the true skin. Ouch! I removed it with tweezers, and the pain was gone. 

Warm Up 700 M: 4:03.86

2.5 K: 14:24.04

2.5 K: 13.13.94

2.5 K: 14:46.88

Warm Down 700 M: 5:08.43

Total 8.9 K: 51:37.15

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