Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Barefoot Hill Sprints: 10 Sets by 140 M

May 27, 2020

The moment I hit the road, I regretted doing so because I felt tension in my hamstrings, but I continued to run, hoping that greater discomfort of hill sprints would make me forget about it! And the strategy worked like a charm.

Warm Up: 2.3 K: 13:23.96

<Barefoot Hill Sprints: 10 Sets by 140 M>
This 140-M upward incline may not be the longest, but probably the steepest hill that I can find in my neighborhood. It's 2.3 K from home. It's a good distance. By the time I reach there I will usually feel sufficiently warmed up .

The road condition is not so good. There are rough areas here and there, but I consider it good, because it forces me to check my form more carefully. If the form is not good, it hurts. If it doesn't hurt, my form is probably not so far off the mark. 

Today I was determined to do 10 sets. But after 2 repeats my will power already started waning. It was tough. But after each sprint there is a brief active rest of jogging back down where I ran up. During this period, my willpower batteries will be slowly recharged, and by the time I hit the bottom of of the hill, once again I feel like I can attack it again. It's all mental battle, and how you can trick your mind to keep on going until you achieve the goal you set for the day. 

1st: 46.75
Jog: 1:42.75
2nd: 46.22
Jog: 1:47.50
3rd: 47.67
Jog: 1:42.84
4th: 46.25
Jog: 1:46.74
5th: 46.53
Jog: 1:42.92
6th: 47.82
Jog: 1:47.54
7th: 46.45
Jog: 1:41.49
8th: 45.80
Jog: 1:53.74
9th: 46.47
Jog: 2:05.20
10th: 48.59
Jog: 5:33.20
Forearm Challenge: 3:52.20
Jog: 6:30.31
Total 7.12 K: 53:18.94

As soon as I got home, I hit a shower, and then had an awesome home-made dinner with lots of veggies and rich in protein. After dinner I went straight to bed and took a nap for a couple of hours. Those hours were a sheer bliss. When I woke up, I felt like a new man, ready to restart some creative work that I'd been doing before the exercise. 


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