Friday, February 14, 2020

Two Days Till Ohme 30 K Road Race: One-Hour Jog

Feb. 14, 2020
5.1 K: 31:37.50
5.1 K: 33:07.24
Total 10.2 K: 1:04:44

I finished the last training before the race tonight. I feel satisfied.

Tomorrow I will give myself a complete rest, fully recharging the body's batteries for the race on Sunday.

It's going to be the 8th time for me to run the course, and each time is a renewed pleasure. I've almost learned the course by heart. The first 3 K is almost flat, and then past 3 K a slight upward incline starts and last for a while. There is a long downhill before the 5 K mark. This section is warm up. It's hard to pick up the pace because the road is narrow, but there are still so many runners around you. But then as the incline gets steeper, weak runners start slowing down, and strong ones increase the pace little by little. As runners become farther apart from each other, passage ahead through slow runners becomes easier. This is the section where I am planning to run faster than last year. I want to run between 5 K and 15 K minimum 1 minute, and ideally a minute and a half faster than last year. Should I be able to do it, I can reach the turning point between 1:15:00 and 1:15:59. I must save as much energy as possible for the latter half, so I will pick up the pace, but do my best to run as economically as I can also. 

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