Sunday, October 6, 2019

Tempo Run @ 4:55/K: 2 Sets by 6 K with 1-Minute Rest

Oct. 6, 2019
Warm Up 900 M: 5:29.75
Rest: 1:00.47
<Temp Run: Target=29:30 for 6 K (@ 4:55/K)>
1st 6 K: 27:26.33 (@ 4:34/K)
Rest: 59.45
2nd 6 K: 27:58.34 (@ 4:40/K)
Warm Down 900 M: 5:57.89
Total 13.8 K: 1:08:52

Two days after interval training, I was up for yet another session of speed training. Tonight it's tempo run. My goal was running 6 K @ 4:55/K pace to cover the distance in 29:30. This alone is not challenging for me. I ran 10 K in 41:02 last year. But the goal tonight is to repeat it minimum twice with one-minute rest between reps, preferably three times.

I put on a pair of aqua shoes for minimum protection, and ran the new 6 K course below. It's rich in undulation, and good to simulate ups and downs always present in real races. 

When you run a new course, it's difficult to judge your pace. You generally tend to run faster, because you don't want to fail to finish under your target by running too comfortably. 

But that's exactly what happened in the first 6 K. I was way under the target.

I relaxed a little in the second set, paying attention to my breathing. In the target race on the 1st of December, I should be able to easily maintain the target pace at least until 36 K. And hopefully, if everything comes together nicely, I hope to be able to surge in the last 6 K. So I made conscious effort to find the most comfortable breathing tempo that is sustainable for a long time. Tonight I tried something I might want to call a waltz tempo--three steps for breathing in and three steps for breathing out. I aim at a cadence of 180 per minute, and this waltz tempo worked for me at least tonight. It became a little tough to keep when climbing a hill. But that's understandable. Plus, I was under the target, so breathing should be easier if I ran more slowly. 

Anyway, I called it quits when the second run was over because I have a very early start tomorrow, and it's a very important job where I should be full of energy.

After I got home, I took a long warm bath, and gave my legs a good massage. I feel very good about the training tonight. 

Tomorrow, I want to run the same course again, but at a much slower pace just to help my legs recover. I may run it from the opposite direction just for a change. I may run in bare feet just to feel refreshed. But I haven't decided yet. Too much rigorous planning can kill your motivation.

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