Saturday, January 16, 2016

10 K Run

It's exactly a week before Sanspo Chiba Marine Half Marathon today.
I am going to run 10 K.
I am going to run at a pace that is challenging but not too hard.
My personal best for the distance is 42 minutes something,
but this is more than three years ago.
My most recent time is 47 something.
So I'm glad if the time is somewhere between 47 and 49.
I'm hitting the road now.

1 comment:

  1. Just came home from the run.
    Covered 10.1 K in 46:53.
    That means the estimated time for 10 K is 46: 25.
    Not bad. Not bad.
    I was originally going to go for a slow one-hour jog tomorrow
    in Yokohama,
    but looks like it's going to rain,
    so I'll think about some alternative home cardio
    and do it indoors.
