Thursday, February 15, 2018

Final Phase Conditioning Ⅱ: Back Workout

With three more days to go before the 30 K road race in Ohme this Sunday, I did some back workout. The reason I hit the back is it leaves little damage to the legs. I did four different exercises all targeting back and the back of shoulders.

The first is towel row. With your stomach on the floor, you grab both ends of a towel, give a lot of pressure on it, and pull it toward the chest, and then push it back away from your head until the arms are fully extended. One set is one minute.

And you move onto the next exercise. It's swimmers. Again your stomach is on the floor, and your hands are right in front of your neck. From this position you extend your arms along the floor away from your head until they are fully extended, and then swing them outward until your hands are parallel to your shoulders. Then you tuck your arms in to the beginning position. You repeat this movement for one minute.

The third exercise is swimmers in reverse motion. From the starting position you extend your arms to the side parallel to your shoulders, and swing them along the floor over to above your head. And then you tuck your arms in to the starting position. You repeat this for one minute.

The last of four exercises is a variation of swimmers. I don't know what to call it. The difference is instead of tucking your arms in after your arms are parallel to your shoulders, you bring your arms all the way until they touch the side of your body, with your hands touching the side of your thighs. And when you reach this position, you bend your upper body backward slightly to increase contraction of your back muscle. This is one minute also.

These four exercises together form one set. And you do it two sets. The rest between exercises and sets are both 15 seconds.

Back covers a very large area, and by hitting it, you can burn many calories in one go. Before a big race you must keep a healthy diet. If you try to eat less, you can easily run a risk of not having enough nutrients. So I stick to my regular diet of sushi and beef steak, and brown rice and veggies. But because I do not go out for runs so as not to fatigue my legs, I must do something to prevent my body from turning unconsumed calories into excessive body fat. My solution tonight was back training. It's very good training that allows you to burn many calories without fatiguing your most important weapon for the race. Namely your legs!!

The video below shows a demo of similar back training done in view of burning many calories without fatiguing your legs.

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