Thursday, December 21, 2017

A Man Who is Healthy at the Age of 91

I woke up this morning at a hotel in Tokyo. While I was going through article on the Web, a picture caught my eye, and I read the article associated with it. It was a picture of a young fisherman. He's wearing nothing but a pair of worn-out work pants, arm covers, and a towel around his head. His physique is reminiscent of a Greek sculpture, with his torso lean but ripped, the shoulders swelling like summer clouds gradually flowing into the bi-ceps which are equally well-developed through daily hard work. He is smiling at the camera, but without that self-consciousness characterizing modern young men doing selfies all the time.

His name is Mr. Toshio Murata. He is a former fisherman, now happily retired and living in Ishinomaki City, Miyagi Prefecture in northeastern Japan. The photo was taken when he was 25 by a military doctor named Mr. George Butler hen belonging to the Matsushima Air Base of the US. He passed away years ago, but his son set up a Web site in order to find out the identity of the man in that picture, as well as those of people in many other photos that his late father had left him. One day Mr. Murata's eldest daughter who had that photo shared by her friend says, "This must be YOU, dad." as she shows the photo to him. This way the man in the photo was finally identified!

Mr. Murata, who is 91 years old now, is kicking and alive, "Thanks to all the hard work he did as a fisherman," as his daughter so put it. (

This clearly sheds light on the importance of physical hard work in youth. We live in the world where manual labor is often looked down on and intellectual work is regarded as sophisticated. As a result, more and more people engage in brain work. and less of physical work. But there is a price to pay. Many have become physically weaker. Perhaps mentally also, as some mental impairment is allegedly attributed to lack of physical activities. In order to deal with this situation, many modern people go to gyms and sweat their asses off by "paying". It's ironical. Mr. Murata is different. His labor directly lead to fitness and health. Nothing is more beautiful than that? I am somewhat envious of his way of living. Then what should I do? Be a fisherman? I'm afraid not. Though I have no answer to the question "What should each of us do?" it doesn't mean we all understand the beauty of the life where one's labor and health are directly connected. I would like to bring this short essay to a close by inviting my readers to think about your way of achieving that. 

写真の主は村田敏雄さん。石巻在住の元漁師さんで、御歳91歳。写真は66年前に当時米軍医だったGeorge Butlerさんが米軍松島キャンプに駐在していたころ、男鹿半島を訪ね歩いて際に撮影したものらしい。Georgeさんは既に他界され、息子のAlanさんが、被写体情報を集めるためにウェブサイトを開設。その後サイトを見た村田さんのご長女の友人が、ご長女に連絡。本人の特定につながったという。66年の時の隔たりを驟雨(しゅうう)の速さ結ぶネットの威力に改めて驚きを禁じえない。

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