Tuesday, July 20, 2021

Midnight Barefoot Run

Jul. 19, 2021

11.8K: 1:08:05

Yesterday was Mom's b-day. She turned 82. She's active for her age, exercising from home for a solid one-hour almost every morning. She fell from the stairs a year ago, and got her right foot seriously injured. It kept her from being active for almost  6 months. At her age, a leg injury could have led to a permanent immobility. But about 6 months after the injury, she slowly started rehabilitation, aided by physical trainers at a local orthopedic clinic. At first, she wasn't able to do what they recommended. But she continued to try at it without giving up. Finally, she miraculously recovered enough to do most home-keeping activities just like she used to before injury. It is very impressive. 

To celebrate her b-day and wish for her longevity, I bought a ripe Taiwan mango, and served it for lunch today. She enjoyed it a lot, finishing it in less than three minutes. 

Anyhow, back to my exercise. I listened to "New Psychology of Selling" by Brian Tracy while running. God only knows how often have I listened to it before. But there is a renewed pleasure each time. It reinforces my knowledge of how people make buying decisions. Also it brings to my awareness something new every time I listen to it again. 

I found it particularly interesting when he says all buying decisions are emotional. Even when you say, "We are going to do this for a logical reason," it only suggests that it means we have more emotion invested in that reason.

Brian also suggests that it takes a stronger emotion to overcome a weaker emotion. It means that, for example, if someone won't buy something for a fear of being worse off, it takes a stronger emotion such as a burning desire to be happier, richer, more popular, whatever, to overcome the fear to finally make a buying decision. Very interesting. I should definitely follow up on it. 

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