Yuki Sato of SG Holdings got section prize for renewing the course record for the 4th leg of the New Year Ekiden Race. Congratulations to you, Yuki Sato. You are the best-est.
What is my aging mind-body capable of doing? This simple curiosity is the main engine of my self-expression. Looking forward to sharing with you my fitness endeavors, my nature explorations, language learning, cooking activities, and so on. 『老い』と向かい合いながら人間は、どこまで体力・知力を維持向上できるか?そんな好奇心をもとに、体力維持、英語力の維持・向上、料理、自然探索など様々な分野において、自分史の記録としてブログを書いてます。(チャンネル管理者のYou Tube Channelもヨロシクお願いします/Come visit my You Tube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCCRYRdNJ7mJ5bWcrl5yC2FA?view_as=subscriber)
Thursday, December 31, 2020
Yuki Sato Gets Section Prize for 4th Leg of New Year's Ekiden Race
Sunday, December 27, 2020
Hill Intervals: 4 Sets by 1 K @ 4:25 + Bonus K
Dec. 28, 2020 1:00-2:30 A.M. Cloudy, 4℃
Warm Up 2 K: 12:02.45
1st K: 4:22.13
Rest: 1:00.57
2nd K: 4:23.72
Rest: 1:00.40
3rd: 4:16.19
Rest: 1:00.52
4th K: 4:25.04
Rest: 1:00.75
Warm Down 3 K: 18:31.55
Bonus K: 4:25.42
Rest: 1:00.62
Warm Down 2.5 K: 15:25.00
Total 12.5 K: 1:12:54
Friday, December 25, 2020
Hill Intervals: 3 Sets by 1 K @ 4:25
Dec. 25, 2020
Merry Christmas to you all!
Warm Up 2 K: 12:16.00
1st K: 4:25.54
Rest: 1:00.38
2nd K: 4:20.37
Rest: 1:00.52
3rd K: 4:14.48
Rest: 1:00.81
Warm Down 3 K: 18:24.00
8 K: 48:42.79
Tuesday, December 22, 2020
Midnight Barefoot Jog
Dec. 23, 2020
10.8 K: 1:02:25
After coming home from work, I wanted to a short lecture by Brian Tracy. I have an important corporate seminar tomorrow. I wanted to get some useful information from the world-renowned motivational speaker.
The temperature was -1.9 degrees Celsius when I left home. I had bundled up expect for my feet which had nothing on.
Friday, December 18, 2020
Midnight Barefoot Jog & Body Weight Muscle Training
Dec. 18, 2020
I got out in shoes. But it didn't feel right. So I returned home, kicked the shoes off, and hit the road again. This time it felt right though in no time both feet got numb from the freezing cold. The sky was so cloudless, and the stars were beautiful. The Winter Triangle is always the first one to greet me. It's so majestic. I like it when it looks as though it hadn't moved a bit when I return from an hour-long job.
6.2 K: 34:54.84
Body weight muscle training: 8:20.19
4 sets by [Single-hand push-ups (30 sec) + Slow pull-up (30 sec)]
※15-sec rest between exercises and sets
5:8 K: 32:43.47
Total 12 K: 1:15:58
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New Hilly Course |
Wednesday, December 16, 2020
Midnight Jog in MUTEKI
Dec. 16, 2020
14.9 K: 1:24:01
1 K: 4:27.51
Total 15.9 K: 1:28:30
Friday, December 11, 2020
10 K Hill Tempo Run
Dec. 11, 2020
Warm Up 2 K: 12:00.45
<10 K Hill Tempo Run: Ultimate Target=4:35/K>
1st K: 4:31.27
I started off at a brisk pace, but was also careful not to go too quick. Extended my stride when going down, and increased cadence and ran in a shorter stride when going up for running economy.
2nd K: 4:41.78
The Ks in the even number sets are harder, because the uphill is steeper than the Ks in the odd number sets. The lap deteriorates. But that's expected.
3rd K: 4:42.68
The heart rate is still significantly high mainly from hammering up the uphill in the last phase of the second K. Want to bring it to a decent level, but soon comes a long downhill where I inevitably increase the pace for a time gain. Once I hit the bottom of the downhill, a slight uphill comes. The incline is minimum, so I control my breathing here to prepare for the second half which is mainly an uphill, not as steep as the last hill of the even number sets.
4th K: 4:36.65
Surprisingly, the lap was better than the one that immediately preceded it though this one should be harder and therefore the time was expected to be worse. This is mainly because my body was gradually adapted to the fast pace.
5th K: 4:39.97
I carried on at about the same pace.
6th K: 4:44.53
The fast pace in the previous two sets slowly started taking a toll on my legs. An inner talk began. Should I quit with this lap? Or should I push myself through till the end???
7th K: 4:41.73
Lactic acid starts building in the legs, making it harder and harder to keep a brisk pace, let along increase it!
8th K: 4:47.48
Shocked to see my time. It's not even under 4:45. I feel like crying from misery. But promise myself not to be a quitter. I keep on going into the 9th set.
9th K: 4:43.26
I keep saying to myself, "Two more sets, and it's all over. Two more sets. Just two more sets."
Final K: 4:37.41
A prospect of imminent finish lifts my spirit. I work my arms more to keep a brisk pace. Gave everything I had while climbing the hill. When I reached the top, I felt like nothing more was left in my tank. But there was still a hundred meters to go. I try to surge, but my body won't respond. It feels as though my throat was choked with sand and half-digested pasta was welling up from the stomach. I felt sick to the core. But I pushed. And push I did to finally crossed the finish line to cover the last K in the 3rd best lap for the night.
Sub-total 10 K: 46:47
Warm Down 2 K: 12:17.92
Total 12 K: 1:11:05
Wednesday, December 9, 2020
Post-Dinner Barefoot Run
Dec. 9, 2020
4.78 K: 27:00.00
Body weight muscle training: 8:14.90
3 Sets of [Eccentric Single-Handed Push-Ups (30 sec) + Slow Pull-Ups (30 sec]
4.78 K: 26:55.99
Total 9.56 K: 53:55.99
Got out for a second barefoot run for the night. The ball of the left foot was slightly in dull pain. It was probably from the training on the previous night. I went easy to avoid injury.
Pre-Dinner Barefoot Run
Tuesday, December 8, 2020
Midnight Barefoot Run in the Rain
Dec. 8, 2020
<On the Lawn>
1 K: 6:04.25
1 K: 5:15.18
1 K: 5:39.19
1 K: 5:56.96
<On the Road>
5.84 K: 35:00.00
<On the Lawn>
1.7 K: 9:00.31
Total 11.54 K: 1:07:55
I ran in bare feet after a long time. It felt cold on the lawn and hurt a little also at first. But soon both soles got numb to both the cold and the pain.
It started raining 3 K into the run. I decided to call it a day after running another K.
Thursday, December 3, 2020
Interval Training: 6 Sets by 1 K @ 4:25
Dec. 4, 2020
Warm Up 3.68 K: 20:54.42
Rest: 45.35
1st K: 4:19.58
Rest: 1:00.36
2nd K: 4:16.12
Rest: 1:00.38
3rd K: 4:21.56
Rest: 1:00.47
4th K: 4:11.92
Rest: 1:00.33
5th K: 4:20.26
Rest: 1:00.49
6th K: 4:18.10
Warm Down 3.4 K: 20:40.32
Total 13.08 K: 1:13:09
Monday, November 30, 2020
8 K Midnight Jog in MUTEKI
Nov. 30, 2020
4 K: 22:53.48
Body weight upper body training:
3 sets by [arm hang oblique hold (20 sec) + 10 eccentric single-handed push-ups]
4 K: 22:33.68
Total 8 K: 52:47.91
I wanted to listened to the audio of some You Tube videos, so I recorded them on my IC recorder and listened to it while jogging. You feel so focused when you listen to something while running. It's the best time to learn, review, and re-enforce something important. I listened to one lecture on fitness by Jeff Caveliere, another on the importance of habit, which is Brian Johnson's review of a book entitled "Superhuman by Habit", and yet another on the importance of power-posing by Amy Cuddy.
Saturday, November 28, 2020
10 K Tempo Run (Target=4:35/K)
Nov. 28, 2020
Warm Up 0.7 K: 3:57.02
2.5 K: 11:49.06 (+22)
2.5 K: 11:40.93 (+13)
2.5 K: 11:31.36 (+4)
2.5 K: 11:24.56 (-3)
Subtotal 10 K: 46:25.91
Warm Down 2.02 K: 11:24.56
Total 12:72 K: 1:03:17
The biggest limiting factor in self-development is self-doubt. The fear that you are not getting better for all your effort deprives you of motivation. The easiest way to prove you are wrong is to put yourself to a test, to do what you did in the past now and compare the results. As simple as that.
The result? Better than I thought. I felt certain that my training is getting results. Slowly but surely I am getting strong enough to hold a faster pace longer.
Wednesday, November 25, 2020
9.9 K Barefoot Jog & Body Weight Upper Body Training
Nov. 25, 2020
3.7 K: 20:15.18
Body Weight Upper Body Training: 12:55.24
Pull-ups, Chin-ups, Single-hand push-ups
3.7 K: 20:33.20
2.5 K: 13:27.44
Total 9.9 K: 1:07:11
I completed the first draft of a project whose deadline is next Monday. It will be checked by the boss, and needs revising after that. But nonetheless I am a little ahead of schedule. To celebrate the early completion I went out for a short barefoot jog.
Monday, November 23, 2020
Interval Training: 4 Sets by 1 K @ 4:25
Nov. 23, 2020
3.4 K Warm Up: 18:11.64
Rest :1:00.30
1st K: 4:17.46
Rest: 1:00.21
2nd K: 4:10.71
Rest: 1:00.38
3rd K: 4:12.94
Rest: 59.57
4th K: 4:10.48
Warm Down 3.4 K: 19:40.45
Total 10.8 K: 58:44.14
One important task of a big project was completed today. Also, I had a good mental rehearsal for an important seminar scheduled for tomorrow. I feel so good. To reward myself for accomplishing two of my top priorities for my day off, I went out for interval training.
Though my legs were heavy from running at a fast pace the last quarter of the training last night, fatigue slowly went away as I warmed up.
I finished under my target of 4:25/K in all four sets. I could have done more sets, but I decided not to, because I need to save enough energy for the event tomorrow, where I am going to facilitate a two-and-a-half-hour all English group session.
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Sunday, November 22, 2020
14 K Barefoot Run
Nov. 22, 2020
3.5 K: 18:48.68
3.5 K: 18:11.32
3.5 K: 18:11.91
3.5 K: 16:50.97
14 K: 1:12:02
Wednesday, November 18, 2020
Midnight Barefoot Jog Combined with Body Weight Muscle Training
Nov. 18, 2020
It was warm for the season. I dressed lightly. It's been a while since I last hit the road in bare feet. The course tonight is very poorly-maintained, and not very friendly to a barefooted runner. But nevertheless I went out without shoes, because I wanted to test my endurance. Or to be more precise, the endurance of my soles.
Friday, November 13, 2020
14 K Alternate Run
Nov. 13, 2020
3.5 K: 19:36.68
3.5 K: 16:44.90
3.5 K: 20:01.78
3.5 K: 17:18.14
Total 14 K: 1:13:41
Sunday, November 8, 2020
Midnight 9 K Build-Up on Hilly Course
Nov. 8, 2020
5 hours after jogging 7 K, I did 9 K build-up training with the target pace of 4:25/K for between 6 and 9 K. I did it on a very hilly course. It wasn't easy, but I was able to cope with the pace till the end. It feels awesome.
3 K: 17:37.29 (Target: 18:00.00 // 6:00/K)
3K: 14:48.11 (Target: 15:00.00 // 5:00/K)
3 K: 13:13.16 (Target: 13:15.00 // 4:25/K)
3 K: 17:53.66 (Warm Down)
Total 12 K: 1:03:32
Sunset Park Barefoot Jog
Nov. 8, 2020
Woke up a new man after sleeping 10 hours straight. Had a huge breakfast of hotpot with anglerfish I had bought from a local store. It was significantly marked down.
Watched Japanese chess on NHK later. Defending champion Mr. Fukaura beat Mr. Ayumu Matsuo with 104 moves into the match.
Studied Spanish for one hour. Then watched "Sleepless in Seattle" for about 30 minutes when the sky started turning orangish from blue. Decided to hit the park for a jog while still warm.
Wednesday, November 4, 2020
Interval Training: 5 Sets by 1 K @ 4:25
Nov. 4, 2020
Warm Up 3.4 K: 19:58.64
Rest: 30.20
1st K: 4:01.90
Rest: 1:00.36
2nd K: 4:10.48
Rest: 1:00.32
3rd K: 4:11.74
Rest: 1:00.20
4th K: 4:24.05
Rest: 1:00.36
5th K: 4:07.77
Warm Down 3.4 K: 20:14.39
Total 11.8 K: 1:05:40
Tuesday, November 3, 2020
Nov. 4, 2020
Immanuel Kant is known to have lived a very structured daily life. Some of it is said to have been spent on writing. When I learned this habit of the great thinker, I decided to try to make time to write a short essay before going to work. It won't work if I choose a topic totally irrelevant to my work. So I've decided to write about something that directly relates to a lesson I'm teaching on the day of writing.
My topic therefore is Biltong. What is biltong? Simply put, it's meat dried in the sun. It's originally from South Africa. But it is said that all the food shows are raving about it! Of course, that's the case in the US, so I'm not surprised if you've never heard of it, born and raised in Japan where I write this now.
Anyhow, I did some research on Biltong, and discovered a few interesting facts. I'm going to share them.
<Similar to Beef Jerky But Different>
When I say beef dried in the sun, the first thing that comes to your mind is probably beef jerky. You may react by saying, "Hey, what's the different?" In fact, they are not so different from each other, except that beef jerky is cut first, and then dried while biltong is cured and dried, and then cut into pieces.
<Comes in Different Cuts>
Biltong, according to a website, comes in a couple of different cuts. Most typically, it's cut along the grain of the muscle into strips. However, a rump may be cut across the grain into flat slices.
<The Most Interesting Origin>
The most fascinating fact about biltong, though, is who made it. In fact, it was made by Dutch people living in South Africa. Why did they made it? Well, in the early 19th century there was a large migration of Dutch people in South Africa who were oppressed by invading British people. During this great migration Dutch people needed food that lasted during a long journey of survival. That's the origin of biltong.
All foods have some kind of history behind them. You may want to do your own research on some of your favorite foods. You may find something interesting.
11 K Barefoot Run
Nov. 4, 2020
Ran 5 K on the lawn and 6 K on the pavement to cover 11 K in a little less than an hour. Increasingly getting cold for a barefoot run, but that's not going to be a big problem, because at a certain point my feet become numb and stop feeling anything.
11 K: 56:59.99
<On the lawn>
1st K: 5:29.69
2nd K: 5:19.08
3rd K: 5:15.45
4th K: 5:03.91
5th K: 5:02.82
<On the pavement>
6th K: 5:16.38
7th K: 5:42.27 (lap timed a while into 8th lap & not completely accurate)
8th K: 4:38.87 ((lap timed a while into 8th lap & not completely accurate)
9th K: 5:16.37
10th K: 5:22.37
11th K: 4:32.78
Total 11 K :56:59.99