Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Midnight Jog in MUTEKI

Dec. 16, 2020

14.9 K: 1:24:01

1 K: 4:27.51

Total 15.9 K: 1:28:30

It was 0.3 degrees Celsius when I left home. It was freezing cold. But the night sky was beautiful. The stars were so clear, especially the Winter Triangle as I headed to the south. I wondered why the Petelgeuse of the Orion is one of the three stars forming the triangle when the Rigel is brighter. But as I picked up the pace into a wider road, I focused on the lecture I was listening to by world-renowned sales consultant Brian Tracy, with the thought of the stars soon pushed to the back of my mind.  

I ran without deciding how far I was going. Ten K seemed too little, so I definitely wanted to go beyond that. When I covered 8.9 K, I felt I was able to run minimum 5 K more, so I added extra 3.2 K instead of going straight back the out and return course. 

I ran a little faster than in an average jog, because it felt easy. After completing a 10 K tempo run on a very hilly out-and-return course, I was able to climb hills with ease without slowing down. I feel my glutes have become significantly stronger thanks to the hard training.

I changed the gear and surged in the last K to cover the last kilometer in 4:27.51.

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