Wednesday, December 9, 2020

Post-Dinner Barefoot Run

Dec. 9, 2020

4.78 K: 27:00.00

Body weight muscle training: 8:14.90

3 Sets of [Eccentric Single-Handed Push-Ups (30 sec) + Slow Pull-Ups (30 sec]

4.78 K: 26:55.99

Total 9.56 K: 53:55.99

Got out for a second barefoot run for the night. The ball of the left foot was slightly in dull pain. It was probably from the training on the previous night. I went easy to avoid injury.                                                                            

The sole felt a little sore. I regretted not wearing shoes. But it was too late. I was already well into 1 K when I realized that. 

When you feel discomfort while running, all you can do is "cope with" it. It's a very important part of daily training, because that's what it's all about--"deal with it" when something unexpected happens during a race. 

To my delight, though, the discomfort in the sole increasingly felt manageable as I went on. I was pleasantly surprised by the human ability to adapt to the environment to withstand pain. 

I made a body weight training stop at the Minamisizu Central Park near Minamishizu Elementary School. I trained my upper body for a little less than ten minutes. It was quick, but highly intensive. It hit lats, arms, core and chest. 

A warm shower after coming home from the run was heavenly. While taking a shower, I washed two pairs of my running shows which I almost never wear when running. They are mostly for urban use. 

Tomorrow after a bit event is over, I want to put myself to a test. I am going to do a 10 K tempo run. At my previous attempt I was able to run under the target only in the last of four laps. Tomorrow night I will aim for 2 laps under the target. Anything better than that is a bonus.  

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