Friday, December 29, 2023

年末合同練習:箱根一区/Year-End Distance Challenge: 1st Leg of Hakone Ekiden Relay Race

 (Note there is an English version available at the end.)




I completed my annual year-end joint training with my friends. This year's challenge was running the first leg of the Hakone Ekiden. Departing from Kanda Raffine at 9:30 a.m., we paid a visit to the Yomiuri Shinbun Head Office building, 600 meters away from the running base. After that, we went down Hibiya Dori to join Daiichi Keihin and started running toward the Tsurumi relay station. It was a cloudless Friday. As we left central Tokyo, the temperature began to rise moderately as fewer buildings blocked the gradually rising sun. As we stopped less often by traffic lights, we came to run longer and longer without a break. Some of my fellow runners took off their windbreakers or started running in short sleeves.
About 18 kilometers from the start, we passed the Rokugo Bridge, one of the most critical points in the first leg competition. The famous spot overlooking the vast riverbank of the Tama River was bright with sunlight, and it was a refreshing break from the fatigue that had been building up to that point.
After crossing the bridge, there were only a little more than 3 kilometers to reach the relay station. Taking advantage of the downhill slope of the Rokugo Bridge, Hakone athletes accelerate even though their legs may be getting heavier. I pictured in my mind's eye those brave runners of Hakone fighting against lactic acid build-up, challenging the limits of their cardiovascular capacity with everything they have just to pass their tasuki sash in the first place.
About three and a half hours after the start. We arrived at our goal--the Tsurumi relay station. We got a picture taken at a memorial granite monument.
After the run, we had lunch at a famous curry restaurant called "Parikar" in Tsurumi Ichiba. Some of us celebrated the completion with beer. Me and one other friend of mine friend didn’t drink alcohol because we were planning to run a few extra miles after lunch.
After lunch, the three of us returned to the run-station in Kanda, while the other and I completed an additional 7.1 km run to JR Kamata Station.
We found ourselves running a little less than 30 kilometers, making it a fun and fulfilling LSD training session. I am glad that the training was very effective in conjunction with the interval training on the previous day.
Today, I plan to go for a light jogging session late at night for physical and mental conditioning. Tomorrow, on New Year's Eve, I will finish my last run of the year with a 30km tempo run, the most important training for the Tateyama Wakashio Marathon to be held on January 28 (Sunday). I will leave home around 10 p.m. and run under the stars to welcome the New Year.

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