Jan. 23, 2019
5.1 K: 31:10.76
5.1 K: 30.42.73
Total 10.2 K: 1:01:53
Jan. 24, 2019
5.1 K: 33:07.05
5.1 K: 30.53.27
Total 10.2 K: 1:04:00
Strictly following the training regimens recommended by former ultra marathon world best record holder Mr. Takahiro Sunada, I had a one-hour jog two days in a row on Tuesday and Wednesday night.
Both times the main purpose is to slowly recover from the fatigue accumulated through the long and hard training over the course of almost three months since Aqua Line Marathon 2018. There were two extremely hard-fought races during this course of time. In one of them I renewed my PR for 10 K. In the other I completed an entire half marathon in complete bare feet. When I didn't have a race, I was almost always hitting the road, training, except for only a day or two in a week when I gave myself a complete rest.
I now have a sure feeling that I am much stronger than I was at the same time last year. My soles are more endurable. My cardio is stronger too as I can run a longer distance in one go. I am faster, partly because I am lighter. In other words I am a much stronger version of myself than I was in more ways than one. And my mission this coming Sunday is to translate this positive feeling into actual performance.
What is my aging mind-body capable of doing? This simple curiosity is the main engine of my self-expression. Looking forward to sharing with you my fitness endeavors, my nature explorations, language learning, cooking activities, and so on. 『老い』と向かい合いながら人間は、どこまで体力・知力を維持向上できるか?そんな好奇心をもとに、体力維持、英語力の維持・向上、料理、自然探索など様々な分野において、自分史の記録としてブログを書いてます。(チャンネル管理者のYou Tube Channelもヨロシクお願いします/Come visit my You Tube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCCRYRdNJ7mJ5bWcrl5yC2FA?view_as=subscriber)
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