Sunday, January 13, 2019

Post-TOEIC Practice Run: 42.42 K

Jan. 14, 2018
10 K: 52:54.03
2.72 K × 7 sets=19.04 K: 1:43:39 (5:24/K pace)
10 K: 56:26.82
3.38 K: 19.29.17
Total 42.42 K: 3:52:29

Earlier today I took the TOEIC L&R Test to check my English communication skills. It went well. I thought all my effort paid off.

After coming home from the test, I had a long run scheduled for the day. I was going to do a 35 K run, followed by an additional session to make the total running distance for the day beyond the full marathon distance of 42.195 K.

When I finally hit the road after dinner, it was already 9:30 P.M. I was first going to run the 10 K route leading to the water treatment plant in Kashiwai. I felt light as in my previous training session on Friday I had dumbbells in my hands while running. I almost felt like I had wings on me. 

I reached the water plant about 52 minutes after I left home. I started lapping around the plant. This 2.2 K loop around the plant is one of my recent favorites. It's so quiet and the road condition is good. There is one upward incline and one downward incline along the course. Otherwise it's almost flat, but there are slight changes in undulation throughout the course. It's perfect for practicing strategic running. 

Tonight I added an additional lap around the 520 M loop below to the 2.2 K loop above, and make it a 2.72 K lap. I repeated it 7 reps in 1:43:39. The additional 520 M has a merit. There is a public restroom available. I used it a few times during the training session. There is tap water available too as I have mentioned it before. 

After the session near the water plant, I went back where I had come from. I was going to increase the pace, but I couldn't. I was too hungry. I hung on to the moderate pace that I had been keeping. As I came nearer to my home, I started thinking about my eventual goal tonight. It would be a solid 39.02 K session if I called it a day when I got home. An additional 3.2 K after a short break would make what I call double training, where you run a distance beyond a full marathon in one day by two sessions. But I was afraid that once I got home and took a rest, I would never muster up the power to stand up again. So instead of going inside my home, I immediately turned around and head back to the park in my neighborhood and lapped a larger loop around it twice, and then lapped a smaller inner loop twice to cover an additional 3.38 K, making my total running distance 42.42 K. I ran it under 4 hours, but it does not include one p**p break, and several pee breaks that I took during the session. If those times are included, the time will be a lot worse. 

But overall, I am satisfied with the result. A number of reasons. First, there was no official aid whatsoever. No sports drinks. No food. No nothing. Just tap water along the way. Two, there was no cheerer along the road. I was all by myself. The only accompanying friend was the Orion in the sky. I was cold, and I was lonely. To withstand my misery, I almost needed a new religion of some kind to hang on to. But I knew deep down that I had nothing to rely on but my own two legs. With this borne in mind I pressed on. And the result? A 42.42 K run in 3:52:29 all by myself with just water. 

On Monday, I will go for a walk to a shopping mall in Yuukarigaoka. It's 6.4 K round trip. It's a good way to loosen up my leg muscles presumably all tensed up from the long running session. 

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