Thursday, July 19, 2018

Thursday Night Intervals

It's that time of week again! Thursday night intervals. I was a bit hesitant to do it at first, because I have a corporate seminar starting at 9:30 a.m. tomorrow night, and I should take a good rest for the event. But at the same time I want to keep the promise I have made with myself. So I decided to do it.

The training began with a 20-minute job in split-toe minimalist running shoes MUTEKIs. I had some water after this warm-up run, and walked to the nearby park to do intervals. Tonight's target is 3 K, 2 K, and 1 K all at 4:30/K pace. If I finish in 13:30, my goal is achieved. Last week when I did it, I came back in 13:45, 15 seconds later than the target. So I ran the first lap around the 880 M loop a bit faster than usual. I felt strong because I gave myself a full rest for two days after a 30 K run on Sunday. I maintained the pace and finished the first two laps at a brisk pace. Then I got into the 650 M inner loop to lap it almost twice to cover 3 K. Slowly it became harder to maintain the pace, so I slowed down a little to save some energy for the final kick in the last lap. When I stopped my watch, it said 12:37. That's 53 seconds faster than planned. I ran at 4:18 pace. I was glad. But then the effect of the faster pace immediately showed in the next 2 K session. As soon as I started running after one-minute break, I couldn't pick up the pace at all. I knew a minute was too short a rest to enable a fast run. I decided to give up at 650 M from the start. Instead of carrying on, I chose to do a wrap-up jog twice longer than usual. I ran 6 K in 35:53 without shoes.

The intervals were a miserable failure, but I ran 12 K with a good fast 3 K run in it. I'm not overly exhausted after the training. I'm sure I will wake up tomorrow morning, feeling great.

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