Saturday, June 9, 2018

Weekend Night Ride Between Home and Narita

I went for a bike ride after coming home from work. I bought a new helmet in Ueno on my way home, and also I had protectors that I had ordered from Amazon that arrived two days ago. I wanted to try them all on and hit the road. 

I bought a full face helmet instead of a jet type. Many riders who ride cruisers tend to wear a jet helmet because they usually look good in it, and I agree. But this time I took safety over fashion.

I bought a black with some green here and there, hoping it would match the lime green of the cask wheels.  I can't see how I look in the dark, and while I'm riding it. So next time I see my bilingual companion, I'll ask for her feedback. Hope she thinks they match. 

The ride between home and Narita was refreshing. I love riding a bike late at night.  There are far fewer cars on the road. There are few pedestrians on the sidewalks that I need to watch out for. 

A 20 K ride brought me to Central Narita. JR Narita Station looked renovated and clean. I cruised very slowly down the main street that connects the train station and the temple. It was unexpectedly lively with quite a few bars and restaurants still open. There were a good mix of Japanese and foreigners there. The area seemed to have become fairly international since I was there last.

As I came nearer to the temple, there were fewer and fewer shops, and the street became less lively and darker. I kept on until I hit Route 51, took a right, and went back the same route. 

On my way home I dropped by a Starbucks cafe near JR Sakura Station. It's one of my favorite Starbucks cafes in the area. It's on the corner of wide streets next to a large parking lot. It's surrounded by large open space. It's open until midnight, and is usually reasonably crowded until then. In eight minutes it's closed, so I must leave soon. But I want to come here again to take a rest while touring.   

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