Thursday night is interval night. I got straight home after work without stopping by the Ohedo sushi restaurant. As soon as I got home I changed into my running gear. Tonight I put on a pair of Baretrek. They are minimalist running shoes made by Tesla with little cushioning. They are designed for Westerners' feet, and very narrow. They are a bit tight for me, but not to the point of being uncomfortable.
I began my training tonight with a 20-minute jog to warm up. I ran very slowly mainly to check my running form. When it's done, I took a brief water break and walked to a 880 M loop around the park near my house. I run around it once and run extra 120 M to cover 1 K. The target time for each lap is 4:30. I then jog back to the starting point. The interval between laps is one minute. I did it seven sets. That is one set more than usual. I finished under 4:30 in all seven sets. In the last one I finished under 4:00. The details is shown below:
Warm Up: 20:00.00
Interval: 4:00.00
1st lap: 4:17.35
Interval: 1:00.10
2nd lap: 4:22.41
Interval: 1:00.16
3rd lap: 4:23.60
Interval: 1:00.13
4th lap: 4:21.48
Interval: 1:00.21
5th lap: 4:25.17
Interval: 1:00.11
6th lap: 4:22.35
Interval: 1:00.33
7th lap: 3:51.51
Interval: 4:00.70
Warm Down: 20:09.49
Total: 14.7 K: 1:20:00
Tomorrow night I will jog for one hour in bare feet. On Saturday I will give myself a rest. And on Sunday I'll have a go at a 25 K pace run at 4:55/K pace in bare feet.
What is my aging mind-body capable of doing? This simple curiosity is the main engine of my self-expression. Looking forward to sharing with you my fitness endeavors, my nature explorations, language learning, cooking activities, and so on. 『老い』と向かい合いながら人間は、どこまで体力・知力を維持向上できるか?そんな好奇心をもとに、体力維持、英語力の維持・向上、料理、自然探索など様々な分野において、自分史の記録としてブログを書いてます。(チャンネル管理者のYou Tube Channelもヨロシクお願いします/Come visit my You Tube Channel:
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