Jun. 28, 2021
What a productive day! I slept late to catch up on sleep this morning, did some house chores like drying my futon in the sun and doing the vacuuming, took care of the backyard, pruning some citrus trees and moving some shiso plants from a shady area to a more sunny space, and so on.
Later in the afternoon, I went out for a short motorbike ride out in the rural area of the city to look for some edible wild plants. Collected some Japanese ginger buds, but wasn't able to find 'tade' or a water pepper. In fact, found something that kind of resembled the description of the plant in a book, but wasn't sure if that was what it was. But I remember where I saw it, so maybe I will go there again to pick some up and bring it back home to test-taste it.
After dinner, I wrote a syllabus for three lessons and made three handouts, which I shared with my co-workers for a double-check.
After having done everything, or perhaps more than I had wanted to do, I finally did what I hadn't been able to do due to an extremely hectic schedule this past week: running.
By the time I changed into my running gear, it had started raining, but it didn't stop me, because I always have a fairly positive feeling about rains, because some of my best races took place on rainy days, with one even on a little stormy day!
I ran an out & return 10 K course with one hell of a giant downhill and upward incline. Cruised along the first half, and picked up pace in the second half, making it a solid 10 K build-up. I'm happy with my final surge, which was fairly strong.
Warm Up 0.9 K: 5:07.48
5 K: 27:36.00
5 K: 23:23.82
Warm Down 0.9 K: 5:46.05
Total 11.8 K: 1:01:53