Feb. 11, 2021
11.4 K: 1:09:45
Two nights after massive hill intervals. Still not completely recovered. So took a short nap after dinner. When woke up, felt fully charged to get out and hit the road.
The street was deserted. The stars were less visible than usual because of clouds. But thanks to them, the drop in temperature was limited because they trap the air underside of it.
Ran in aqua shoes in the photo below. Removed insoles to allow myself to directly feel the impact of landing. Insoles are good for protection. But sometimes being too protective is not good for you. One down side is that your running form may be crooked. Why? Because when your feet are protected, it doesn't hurt much even when your running form is not good. On the other hand, running barefooted or in minimalist shoes with little protection allows you to immediately detect a slight glitch. I hardly ever get my legs injured, running barefooted, and that's exactly why I don't. When you are in bare feet or minimalist shoes, you simply cannot continue to run in a form that can lead to injury, because you get the immediate feedback of pain if something is wrong with your form.

Tomorrow night I want to have one more easy run for an hour or so if I feel strong enough. But I'm not sure. I have a lesson until 10:30 p.m. I come home past midnight. I have an early start on Saturday morning. I must be at the office in Tokyo by 9:00. It takes minimum an hour and a half between home and the office. I may skip training and rest. If I skip training tomorrow night, my next training will be Saturday night. I'm going to have either another easy run, or a tempo run, depending on how strong I feel.
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