Monday, July 27, 2020

Midnight 10 K Barefoot Jog Combined with Lying Pull-Ups

July 27, 2020
My upper body had shrunken significantly over the last year, mainly because I reduced the amount of upper body muscle training to be lighter as a marathoner. According to some marathon trainer, one extra kilogram accounts for 3~5 additional minutes in a marathon. A bigger upper body simply means carrying extra weight that has nothing to do with leg action. So I trained less in terms of upper body. But then, quite predictably, that led to reduced basic metabolism, which made it harder for me to maintain my weight. It's especially hard when I'm busy with work, and cannot go for a long run. And extra weight, as I said earlier, inevitably leads to a slower marathon, which is the last thing I want. So I started body weight upper body exercise while jogging. I'm not sure of the total fitness benefit of the way I did what I did. But it at least made the training fun, and it was easier to stay motivated, because each time I came back to the park to do lying pull-ups, I kind of re-set my mind, and was able to go for another set of short jog, feeling refreshed.

Warm Up 600 M: 3:26.50
Lying Pull-Ups: 3 sets by 12 reps: 1:56.50
2.6 K: 15:52.63
Lying Pull-Ups: 2 sets by 30 seconds: 3:52.23
2.6 K: 16:36.53
Lying Pull-Ups: 3 sets by 12 reps: 1:59.18
2.6 K: 16:09.68
Lying Pull-Ups: 2 sets by 30 seconds: 2:07.62
2.6 K: 16.32.94
Lying Pull-Ups: 6 reps with eccentric phase extended by 4 seconds with a single arm: 1:10.81
Warm Down 600 M: 3:45.25
Total 11.6 K: 1:23:29

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