Thursday, April 30, 2020

Late Night Interval Training with a Mask On: 6 Sets by 1 K @ 4:10

April 30, 2020
Warm Up 3.5 K: 20:00.08
Rest: 1:00.33
<Intervals: 6 Sets by 1 K @ 4:10>
1st: 3:54.51
Rest: 1:00.29
2nd: 4:03:90
Rest: 1:00.01
3rd: 4:07.96
Rest: 1:00.38
4th: 4:08.64
Rest: 1:00.19
5th: 4:03.88
Rest: 1:00.11
6th: 4:01.13
Rest: 1:00.67
Warm Down 3.5 K: 21:48.39
Total 13 K: 1:13:10 

I did intervals today. It's very important training for me. Without this I cannot achieve my goal in tempo run. If I can't achieve my goal in tempo run, there is no way I can run a sub-3:15 marathon. It is a must-do.

I measured a new 600 M loop near my house and used it as a venue for the challenge. The road condition is fairly good. It's almost completely flat. Traffic is almost non-existent except for one of the three long stretches. It's very good for focused training.

After warming up for 20 minutes, I got right into the first K. The target is 4:10. I ran it under 4 minutes. I thought I should ease the pace a little, otherwise I could burn out quickly.

The 2nd K was over 4 minutes. But I was still 7 seconds under the target. 

In the 3rd K, I relaxed a little, feeling 4:10 was not all that difficult. But I was vigilant at the same time not to slacken the pace too much. I finished at 4:07. Good pace. I tried to stick to this pace, and finished the 4th K only a second out of the lap in the 3rd one.  

But the intensity of the run started taking a toll on my heart. The one-minute rest gradually started feeling not enough. But this was exactly the kind of discomfort that I had to deal with and that I eventually had to get accustomed to. So I pressed on.

Thanks to a little surge in the final stretch, the lap for the 5th K was the second best out of all five. The is the last. I was ready to give it all I'd got.

I did my best to stay relaxed as I ran along, but I could tell the legs were slowly buy surely becoming sore from building lactic acid. I shorten the strides and increased the cadence to reduce energy loss, but the effect was temporary. But when I turned the last corner into the last stretch, I changed the gear and surged toward the finish area. My chin was up though it shouldn't be, and I widened the strides to reach the finish as soon as I could. In the last 20 meters I wasn't even sure if I was breathing or not. But when I saw the time after finish, I suddenly felt  light because it's well under the target, and it meant I ran all 6 sets under my original target. 

I warmed down by jogging for about 20 minutes, with a big satisfied smile on my face. I couldn't believe I did it. But it's true. I did it. Now I cannot wait to see how this will translate into my improved performance in tempo run.

Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Daytime 5-Mile Tempo Run with a Mask On

April 28, 2020
Warm Up 4.1 K: 22:21.46
Rest: 45.19
Tempo Run 8 K (5 Mile): 37:44.70 (Target=36:31.00)
Rest: 30.25
Jog 3.1 K: 18:21.21
Surge 1 K: 4:08.99
Total 16.2 K: 1:23:51 

I ran in the daytime after a long time. It felt good. There were people walking on the street and playing in the park, but they looked safely distanced from one another.

I overtook some pedestrians along the way, and passed a few coming toward me from the opposite directions. Most acted cool, but there was this one woman who obviously looked scared of me running toward her. She stepped aside to the edge of the sidewalk to maximize her distance from me. I was freaked out by her overreaction, so I too stepped aside farther away from her to avoid the potential negative vibrations that might be radiating from the irrationally freaked-out individual.  

Later, though, when I got my pic taken to see how I looked when masked, I kind of understood her fear. A masked runner such as the one in the picture above doesn't look very friendly. 

The highlight of the training today is 5-mile tempo run. I already did 5 K tempo run before. I didn't make the target, but I got the feel of the intensity. Today I increased the challenge by extending distance from 5 K to 5 miles. What is it like to think about your training distance in terms of miles instead of kilometers?  I'm just curious. When you are thinking in terms of kilometers, a marathon is 10 K by 4 times plus 2.195 K.  In terms of miles, it may be like 5 miles by 5 times plus 1.2 more miles. Which is better? What is a psychological consequence of training in terms of miles for a while, and then coming back to the kilometer mode. I'm just curious. To answer this question, I'm going to continue with this 5-mile tempo run for a while. I didn't make the target today, but I fell short only by a minute and 13 seconds.  Slashing that time won't be impossible. I think the key to success is getting used to a faster pace, so that the pace in the tempo run won't be so uncomfortable. 

Soon I will be doing intervals: 1 K by 6 sets @ 4:13/K with 1-minute rest between sets. 

Sunday, April 26, 2020

Midnight Barefoot Half Marathon with a Face Mask On

April 26, 2020
Warm Up 3.7 K: 21:14.97
Tempo Run 5.3 K: 25:31.56
Jog 11.2 K: 1:05:20
Spurt 1 K: 4:38.89
Total 21.2 K: 1:56:45

I ran a half marathon. I didn't intend to run that distance, but I ended up doing it because I felt so good as I went along.

I ran in bare feet. It's always the best choice unless the road condition is ridiculously bad.

At midnight there is hardly anyone on the street. BUT just in case I kept being stalked by some perverted midnight runner for almost two hours, I put on a face mask as an etiquette for the fellow midnight runner. Though not for a single moment did I have anyone within a radius of 5 meters while running tonight, the mask made breathing a little uncomfortable, so maybe there was an effect similar to running at a high altitude. I may continue to run with a mask on if it has the same benefit as that of altitude training.    

I had a face mask on while running. I got it as a prize years ago for finishing a race. According to a research, people withing a radius of 5 meters of a running person may inhale the breath of that runner. If the runner is infected with the corona virus, then those people may be infected, they say.           

I increased the pace while running the 5.3 K loop above. It's going to be my favorite course for tempo runs for the time being. It's rich in undulation, which allows me to practice tactical running. The only drawback is the road condition isn't very good, especially where there are steep inclines.  

After running the 5.3 K loop at a faster pace, I jogged on until the total distance reached half marathon distance.  

I surged in the last K, but I wasn't as fast as I had been in the previous training. 

The ball on the right sole got slightly hyper-sensitive toward the end, but other than that it was a satisfactory half marathon. I am glad that I was still able to increase the pace even after running as much as 20 K. 

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Midnight 12.7 K Barefoot Run in the Rain

April 22, 2020
Warm Up: 100 burpees
11.7 K: 1:02:40
1 K: 3:51.72
Total 12.7 K: 1:06:32

Ran at midnight in the rain after doing 100 burpees. Not a soul could be seen where I ran. Ran without shoes. Felt good.

Ran the 5.3 K loop in bare feet for the first time. Felt pretty good. The course has smooth surface except for a long steep downhill about 2 K into the section. But overall, it's runnable in bare feet. 

Kicked in the last K. Ran in well under 4 minutes. Feels good about the speed. Running 1 K under 4 minutes is becoming more and more manageable and repeatable. 

100 Burpee Squats

April 22, 2020

I did 100 burpees. I did the same nearly 4 years and 8 months ago. I'm less agile, but I feel I've grown mentally tougher because I didn't give up no matter how tough it felt to complete it. Fitness fans around the world, both male and female, who are younger than me, do not despair when you get older. You will inevitably lose some ability. But you can still be stronger in some other aspect.

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Midnight 12.6 K Run

April 15, 2020
11.6 K: 1:07:22
1 K: 3:56.78
Total 12.6 K: 1:11:18

Jogged for a little longer than an hour. It always feels good to hit a deserted road at midnight. Not a soul could be seen. Just me and the road. Carefully checked my running form as there was a slight stiffness in the right calf resulting from sprints on the previous afternoon. Ran a new 5.2 K loop that I had found on Google Map recently. It's a pretty treacherous course, rich in undulation and having some rough road surface in an area where street lamps are scarce.

Listened to commentaries from past Olympic races. Women's 10,000 M from the London Olympics, Men's 5000 M from the Athens Olympics, and so on. Visualized my favorite top athletes such as Hicham El Guerrouj, Eliud Kipchoge, and Kenenisa Bekele on the men's side, and Terunish Dibaba on the women's.  

In the last K as I often do, I put on spurt, identifying myself with those heroic middle-distance and long-distance athletes crossing the finish line for the gold medal in triumph!

Variety is the spice of life. This new course will hold my interest for a while for sure. It's got everything I want: a short steep uphill, long upward inclines, a short steep downhill, long downward inclines, flat straights, a U-turn, right angles, and bends. Will prepare me for all kinds of courses. 

Tuesday, April 14, 2020

One-Hour Park Workout Again

April 14, 2020
A long spell of miserable weather is finally gone. The sun is back, and so are fitness lovers in the neighborhood. Families and young people played sports here and there in the park, enjoying the sun that had been long wanted.

I warmed up by jogging in bare feet for a while. Then I threw tires to strengthen my core, back and shoulders. I also did sprints to stimulate cardio.   

Warm Up 4 K: 21:35.45
Tire Throw: 70 throws: 12:47.09
Rest: 40.26
<180 M Sprint>
1st: 28.12
Rest: 1:00.14
2nd: 31.87
Rest: 1:00.01
3rd: 30.11
Rest: 59.93
4th: 36.86
Rest: 59.57
5th: 31.13
Rest: 59.88
6th: 32.87
Warm Down 4 K: 22:45.75
Total 9.08 K: 1:05:59

I wrapped up the training by jogging 4 K after the sprints. I hear it said that the benefit is large when you jog after speed based training.

I felt awesome after completing all this, but unbelievably hungry also. I jumped on my motorcycle after taking a quick shower and hit a local buckwheat noodles restaurant. When the stomach was filled, an awesome feeling of peace and comfort engulfed me, and for a moment I felt like I was in some mysteriously timeless kingdom. It's an almost euphoric state of mind. Positive addiction, some may call it. But it's not a bad thing. It only makes you strong. There is practically no negative side-effect. I highly recommend you too run, throw tires, and do sprints.

Sunday, April 12, 2020

Hostess Ramen Restaurant (昼の水商売:○ゃんこラーメン)

I had ramen at a local ramen restaurant. Ramen there isn't so great, but for some funny reason I sometimes go there rather than chain restaurants that offer better stuff. And the reason is I feel at home. Why I feel so I don't know. But I decided to give it an analysis. To make a long story short, I conclude the place makes me at home, because it IS my home in a symbolic sense.
<女将さん / The Owner of the Restaurant
The owner of the restaurant in my analysis is the first reason I suspect. It's run by a woman as old as Madam Fumiko, a.k.a. my mom.
この店の女将さんは、年の頃はMadam Fumikoと変わらないが、ばりばりの現役で、無駄肉一つ付けずに料理と接客を熱心にこなす。往年の鰐淵晴子さんのような大きくてくりくりした瞳を見ると、若き日は定めし妖艶であったろうことが想像できる。「女将さん」というよりは「ママ」という呼称が相応しく思える妖艶の嫗、それが「○ゃんこラーメン」の女将さんなのだ。
She looks fit for her age, always actively executing her tasks and taking care of her customers. Her face is wrinkly, but her well-shaped round eyes makes one easily imagine she was once a pretty woman. She comes across more as "Mama" of a nightclub in Ginza than as "Madam" of a dining place.
The owner always offers me a small dish while waiting for my order. Today she offered bamboo shoot. It's in season. I gladly accepted the offer, and enjoyed every bite of it.
While waiting for my ramen, I took a look at a whiteboard hung on the wall. It said "Bamboo Shoot 400 yen." I felt guilty about taking advantage of the owner's generosity.
When I paid for my meal I paid 1150 yen, 750 for ramen and 400 for that bamboo shoot. The owner looked puzzled for a moment. Obviously, it was on the house in her mind. But when I said 750 for ramen and 400 for the bamboo shoot, she smiled and said, "Why, thank you."
She waived me goodbye right outside the entrance as I left on my motorcycle. I felt as if I was a wealthy business owner lavishly saluted by an army of young hostesses and Mama (=the owner of the nightclub) in Ginza though I only spent a nominal 1,150 yen!!
I simply like a talented woman, once young and pretty, still nice and active at her old age, making use of her gift to serve others.
<昼から飲んだくれ / Daytime Drunkards >
One thing that distinguishes this restaurant from others is that there is always one drunkard or two there even in the daytime. It may be a couple of retired gents after playing tennis, or it may be a lonely old man whose sole purpose of life is to making her mind murky with the aid of alcohol. Today it's a lonely old man who is a regular there. His eyes were riveted to the TV. He was motionless, and he was very drunk. His cheek was red partly from beer and partly from the heat from the kerosene heater he was sitting by. His motionlessness made him look like a dark-colored firewood stove...
The owner, who knows I'm a motorcyclist, said, "D'you ride many miles? You look kind of tired..." As if taking her question as a cue, the lonely drunkard butted in, saying, "80 miles a day, huh?" Some drunkards are craving for a feeling of belonging. With the aid of alcohol, they transcend social barriers such as what you do, which company you belong to, what status you hold, and sh*t, try to connect with you instantly. As long as they are not harmful or ill-natured, I kind of feel sympathy with their longing for a feeling of belonging. Maybe because it reminds me of my late old man. He was kind of like that.
After all, the restaurant makes me at home, because it reminds of my mom and dad. Mom, because the restaurant is run by an old woman who is active at her old age, serving others by making use of her gift. And dad because there is always a lonely drunkard who is craving for a feeling of belonging...

Friday, April 10, 2020

5 K Tempo Run at a New Target Pace

April 10, 2020
4.1 K: 24:23.26
Rest: 1:00.83
5 K: 23:22.62 (Target=22:54.00)
3.2 K: 20:31.85
1 K: 4:18.16
Total 13.3 K: 1:13:36

Did 5 K tempo run at a new target pace of 4:35/K. Fell short of the target, but got the feel for the new goal. Surged in the last K like in the previous training. Feel a slight tension in the right calf again, but it's not as painful as the time I got it injured in a 10 K tempo run. Hopefully it will go away soon as I feel very excited to put myself to a new challenge.

Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Night Run in MUTEKI

April 8, 2020
9.9 K: 53:57.22
1 K: 4:02.73
Total 10.9 K: 57:59.95

Ran 10.9 K in 57:59.95. Surged in the last 1 K. Breathing felt a lot easier than before Ohme. Overall feel much stronger than before. Feel excited about starting new training for a sub-3.15 marathon, and eventually sub-3 marathon in two years' time. 

Tuesday, April 7, 2020

One-Hour Park Workout

April 7, 2020

Jogged, threw a tire, sprinted, and jogged again in a nearby park. Feels great. But it made me so hungry. I could eat a horse. Gotta get something to stay alive...

Jog 4 K: 21:21.64
Rest: 45.13

Tire Throw: 60 times: 11:00.62
<180-M Sprint>
1st: 29.75
Rest: 1:00.13
2nd: 33.04
Rest: 1:00.33
3rd: 31.37
Rest: 1:00.06
4th: 32.87
Rest: 1:00.12
5th: 31.71
Rest: 59.89
6th: 33.29
Rest: 1:00.31

Jog 4 K: 22:12.51
Total: 1:04:32

Monday, April 6, 2020

Español, Bike Ride, & Run

April 5, 2020
Studied Spanish more than 6 hours on Duolingo. Finally reached the top in the Gold League past midnight. Spanish is an unbelievably fun language to learn. Grammar is simple, and sounds are fun to pronounce. I can't believe I didn't learn it sooner.

Went for a short bike ride at night out to Narita. Everything was closed or closed earlier. It was cold at night. I regretted I didn't had my pair of Temres gloves on. They are the best damn gloves to resist cold winds and even rains.

April 6, 2020
Went to the Minato City Hall in Akasaka to get a copy of my family register in the afternoon. Went there by bike. Parked it near Metro Akasakamitsuke Station, and walked up a hill toward Aoyama Icchome. City Hall is on the left a 5-minute walk from the parking lot. A clerk said there's parking on the basement floor of the building and that it's free! Should've checked it in advance. Oh, well...

Got a picture taken for my passport at Bic Camera, and headed for 1000 City in Chiba where the passport bureau is. Got there shortly before the office closed. Officers were helpful, and I completed all my application procedures in less than 20 minutes. The bureau was far from crowded. I was one of several people there were. My passport is going to be ready in a week. I am supposed to pick it up at a passport office in Funabashi which is between my home and office. It's easy access.

Ran before dinner after coming home. Hit the nearby park to do some barefoot run. School kids in uniform were playing soccer. They were let out early due to the coronavirus thing. They are supposed to distance themselves from each other, but three kids were facing each other close, lying on the grass and chatting with each other as they played games on their smartphones.

Jogged for 20 minutes and did a 200-M sprint three times and got burned out.

Had butterbur(ふき=fuki)for dinner. Madam Fumiko collected heaps from the backyard. It was delicious. 

Thursday, April 2, 2020

Recent Training

March 31, 2020
8.116 K
It's been more than a month since I ran last. The right calf pain wouldn't go away easily, but finally I felt recovered enough to jog. I slowly walked for about ten minutes, and gradually shifted to a very slow jog in very short strides to minimize damage. I felt no pain. I gradually picked up the pace to a regular jog. I checked my form as I went along, swinging arms in several different ways to find the most comfortable form. I used the rotation of my torso instead of having my legs do all the work. 

April 2, 2020
9.3 K: 56:17.98

Explored a new route. Helped me stay motivated throughout the journey. Found a pretty park rich in nature. All dark and couldn't see well, but was able to imagine what it would be like in the daytime. Wanna go there again when it's warm and sunny. There's still a slight discomfort in the right calf. But it wasn't too bad to stop me from running. Saw a fire on my way back home. There were fine engines and police cars. The air was smokey. Hope no one was lost his or her life...