June 2, 2019
My Kawasaki is back from M's Factory. I had the rear brake pads, oil and oil filter changed. The pads were only half worn, but they had made a creaky sound from time to time. It had nothing to do with their ability to stop the bike, but they were changed based on the suggestion to do so by the mechanic from whom I had bought the bike. I have full confidence in him.
The exhaust was mysteriously "unclean", according to the other mechanic, who is the owner of the shop. He was puzzled, because the bike carries the same engine that is mounted on the famous Ninja 650, whose exhaust is usually so clean that you can take a deep breath right next to the duct of the muffler. He listed a series of potential causes to see if any of them might apply to me. I was like, "Bingo!" when he said, "On a rare occasion when the rider continuously cruises along at lower rpms than appropriate, carbon builds up in the engine and exhaust gets unclean. That's exactly what I was doing. With the mystery solved, both me and the mechanic were relieved. Fortunately, the condition of exhaust will improve eventually if I change my riding habit, so hopefully when I bring it to their garage a year from now, I won't have the same problem.

The ride from the motorcycle shop back home was a blast. Traffic was light most of the way. Tsunashima Kaido and Nakahara Kaido were particularly pleasant to ride along. The roads are wide and not too crowded. Buildings along both roads are low, there is little to block your view. It was cloudy but the sky was bright. It wasn't hot, and winds felt just perfectly refreshing.
I left Motosumiyoshi around 10:30 a.m. and got back home shortly past 1:00 p.m.
After coming back home, I changed into athletic gear, and went to the nearby park with my old car tire, and did some workout. The details of the workout today are as follows:
Jog 2 K: 11:57.64
Tire throw: 44 (22 backward & 22 forward)
175 M sprint: 28.18
Rest: 1:00.70
175 M sprint: 31.49
Rest: 1:00.00
175 M sprint: 29.51
Rest 1:00.09
175 M sprint: 30.54
Rest: 1:00.13
175 M sprint: 28.61
Rest: 1:00.25
175 M: sprint: 31:94
Rest: 1:00.14
Tire throw: 40 (20 backward & 20 forward)
Jog 2 K: 13:17.61
Total: 48.34.37
Tomorrow and two days after tomorrow I have a whole-day seminar in Aomori to two different audiences. Both seminars begin at 10:00 a.m., so I have chosen to travel to Central Aomori this afternoon. The venue is a 20-minute ride from there. So there is no hassle tomorrow morning.
I hopped on the 5:50 train bound for Shinaomori a while ago, and heading north now. My whole body feels pleasantly tired from the workout three hours ago. My car is hardly crowded. The train just arrived at Omiya Station, and a bunch of passengers streamed in, but they all sat on seats that aren't the one right next to me. It means my next seat remains empty at least until Sendai. Yes! Oh, what a blissful Sunday!