Saturday, April 23, 2016

Saturday Night Leisure

I skipped the evening 3 K run this Saturday night.

There were three reasons.

First, I had a slight symptom of common cold.
I had a small lump on the left side of my throat near the root of my tongue.
I usually do not have a symptom like this.
So something was off.
I thought I was tired.
Exercise is not something you should do when you are tired.
It is a rest that you need.
So I gave one to myself.

Second, I wanted to watch a DVD.
I wanted to see either the latest of the Star Wars series,
or the latest of the 007 series.
The former wasn't there yet,
but the latter was available,
so I rented it and enjoyed seeing it at home.
I liked it a lot, because it wasn't too geekily high-tech;
there was a lot of primitive combat which draws out a strong quality of Daniel Craig.
I liked it also because Bond Girls were unequivocally attractive,
surpassing my expectations set by many of the early works from the series.

Because I rested enough,
I feel strong enough now on Sunday morning as I am writing this.
I am going to hit the nearby park to enjoy slow jogging.

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