For the last two days I have been running 3 K both in the morning before going to work,
and in the evening after coming home from work.
It's something I want to continue after my running race season was over
with Kasumigaura Marathon this past Sunday.
By training hard for a series of races I have developed a solid habit of running.
Keeping this habit seems more important than finishing a race at the time I aim at.
I'm not sure if three is the good number.
But I will continue it awhile to see how my body responds.
I've been doing lying pull-ups ( alongside to strengthen my arms and lats that have gotten significantly weaker since I stopped doing muscle training to avoid unnecessary weight gain for long distance races.
I've been doing it 36 reps everyday that is divided into a set of 12 reps at first, then 10, and 8, and finally 6 reps, with an 8-second rest between reps.
Earlier today when I timed this exercise, it only took me a minute and ten seconds
including rests. It's an incredibly efficient workout, considering how fast you get to wear out your arm muscles. I might want to do it at night as well on my way back as there is a small park in my neighborhood that has low iron bars perfect for the exercise. It will be nice if this also becomes my regular new fitness routine.
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