Thursday, November 25, 2021

Midnight Calorie-Burning Solo Cycling Party for Rehabilitation

Nov. 25, 2021

22.15 K: 1:06:44

Ave: 19.9 km/h

Max: 43.5 km/h

Cal: 305 kcal

It was such a productive day. I woke up at 8 and went to my office in Akasaka 11:30. I had a corporate seminar to teach between 1:30 and 5:00 p.m. It went well. I started preparing for a new seminar for next January. It feels good to be ahead of schedule. 

On the train back home my eyes were heavy, partly because I woke up an hour earlier than usual (I usually get up at 9), and partly because I have come to naturally feel sleep before midnight ever since I started cutting down on caffeine in-take. The effect of reduced caffeine in-take is quite remarkable. I fall asleep more easily than before. My sleep is less fragmented. I dream a lot. And I generally wake up refreshed. It feels good. I will continue to reduce caffeine in-take, especiallly in the afternoon, because the effect of afternoon caffeine in-take lingers on 6 hours to 12 hours after the in-take. Twelve hours after you take a cup of coffee, 25 % of the caffeine contained in the coffee is still in your blood system. Some of its molecules block adenocine receptors. Adenocine is a natural sleep inducer. It attaches to an adenocine receptor, and makes you sleepy. And once you fall asleep, the absorbed adenocine is used to synthesize ADP, AMP, and ATP. But if you take in caffeine, adenocine recepters are all blocked by caffeine molecules, a lot of adenocine remains in your blood system. It still remains in your system even after you wake up. This is why you often still feel sleepy when you wake up the morning after you had too much coffee on the previous day.  Many people drink more coffee immediately after they wake up. But it only makes the already vicious circle even worse. I learned this from a book called "Why We Sleep" by Matthew Walker. It helped me start a new habit. I believe many people will benefit from it if they want to improve the quality of their sleep. 

Though I was fairly sleep when I got home, I wasn't too sleepy to get out and do some workout. So, I quickly changed into my cycling outfit and hit the road. Tonight I put on a pair of Temres gloves, and had shoe covers on. They worked like a charm. I didn't feel cold at all. It is a great improvement from the previous night. I even had a headband on to keep my ears warm. So, I felt pretty comfortable throughout the ride. 

The below is my usual training course. It is rich in undulation. There is a long straight good for a steady cruise. It is quite a versatile course that is exciting to ride. But I may explore a new route soon for a change, because variety is the spice of life.

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