Nov. 24, 2021
21.8 K: 1:04:13
Ave: 20.1 km/h
Mx: 40.7 km/h
Cal: 294 kcal
It's been a while since I last hit the road on my Calle. It was generously given to me years ago by a friend of mine from my childhood, Dr. Furumoto of the Furumoto Orthopedic Clinic. "Calle", by the way, means "street" in Spanish. I learned it a few months after I started learning Spanish on a language learning app called Duolingo.
The "Calle" is pleasant to ride, because it's lighter than my chrome molybdenum steel bike. The lighter weight is mainly because of its material: aluminum. Aluminum is a common material for beginners' bikes. The only downside is its limited ability to buffer vibrations and impacts that the tires pick up from the road surface. But as long as you are going on relatively well-maintained roads, an aluminum bike is a pleasant choice. It's sturdy and won't easily break.
Anyway, back to talking about my ride tonight. It was awesome. So refreshing. I love riding late at night. The air is cold, but crisp and clean. Traffic is little. I feel safe riding at night, because approaching cars can be noticed very easily way before they come right behind you because of their bright head lights.
The only downside is the low temperature makes your toes and hands so bloody cold that they almost feel numb. Next time I will put on better gloves (防寒テムレス) and nylon shoe covers that I wear when I ride my motorcycle. They are oversized and wrap your whole shoes and cover your shins too. Hopefully, the cold won't bother me on my next ride.
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