May 14, 2021
When I finished a project that I was scheduled to complete by the end of today, I finally felt completely freed from all the pressures of the world, and immediately got in a mood to refresh myself by something not sedentary. I decided to hit the road for a jog and a nearby park also for a little workout. It was late. Not even a soul was seen. Not even a cat nor a dog. I had the street and the park all to myself. There is a tremendous feeling of monopoly about running and working out outside late at night. Is it akin to the feeling that the former president of the US feels when he gets a new tower built in an exclusive location of the most exclusive area of the heart of a big city? No way I can tell...
0.5 K jog: 2:50.11
Part Workout 1: 4:10.52
5 six-second swing push-ups
12 lying pull-ups by 3 different grip widths
2.9 K jog: 16:12.77
Part Workout 2: 4:03.99
5 six-second swing push-ups
50 supinated grip arm flexes to hit bi-ceps
0.5 K jog: 3:20.51
Total 3.9 K: 30:37.51
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