Wednesday, May 26, 2021

Midnight Barefoot Run

May 26, 2021
10.4 K: 57:00.84
1 K: 4:01.71
2.5 K: 14:47.30
Total 13.9 K: 1:15:49

I listened to three different lectures while jogging. All of them are by Brian Tracy. He is a world-renowned motivational speaker, very successful entrepreneur, sales consultant, and time-management specialist. The list goes on, but I'll stop here. He is very informative. I use his ideas in my work and they always work. 

The first lecture was about being productive. He went through a number of points, but I only took a mental note of one thing: start your day at least two hours prior to going to anywhere with a healthy active habit, like exercise for instance. Then spend at least 30 minutes reading something motivational or educational for your career. 

The second lecture was about creativity. In his opinion creativity is simply improvement. Anything that contributes to making something better is a creative act. 

The third lecture was about improving your communication. According to Brian, the most important thing in improving your relationship with anyone is to make the person feel important. He gave us 5 tips, all of which start with the letter 'a'. They are approval, admiration, appreciation, and two other things which slipped out of my mind. I must review them tomorrow morning. 

That's the mental side of my training session tonight. On the physical side, I started off with some awful soreness in my glutes mainly resulting from the high intensity cardio two days ago. I didn't think I would be able to pick up pace. But to my surprise, my legs were fairly light and my breathing was surprisingly easy. I even surged in the last K of the 11.4 K course that I had originally planned to run for the night. But then when the last fast K went so well, I decided to add another 2. 5 K to wrap up tonight's session. People say if you jog after a fast run, the benefit of the fast run goes up. So I put that theory into practice.  


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