Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Morning Runs: One in MUTEKI and the Other in Bare Feet

Oct. 24, 2018: 6 K 33:50.56 (MUTEKI)
Oct. 25, 2018: 6 K 30:13.41 (bare feet)

I’ve been running in the morning for two days. It feels good. Why did I not do it more often in the past? One biggest reason is that I’m a night owl, and that I generally feel more active at night. Another reason is that there is far less traffic at night, so it’s safer and easier to run at that time of day. Furthermore, when you run in the dark, you feel less distracted. It’s just you and the road ahead. Nothing else. You feel focused on inner talk, so to speak. It’s one of the best aspects of long-distance training. Then why the sudden switch to a morning practice? One reason is quite accidental. On Tuesday night I was simply too exhausted to run at night, so I immediately hit the bed. The following morning, I felt like hitting the road right away in order to make up for the absence of training on the previous night. When I did it, not only did I feel good after the run, but I also continued to feel good throughout the day. I was surprised. Pleasantly, of course. I immediately decided to have a go at running in the morning more. Hence, another morning run today. I ran in bare feet. Now that I have successfully run a full marathon without wearing shoes once, my next goal is to do it again. And this time without kinetic tape on the sole. It will be more challenging. It’s just a thin sheet of cloth between the sole and the road, but you can tell immediately that it gives a huge advantage to the runner. I mean it’s less painful, of course. I don’t like it. I want to be strong enough to run the entire distance of 42.195 K without depending on a comfortable buffer, no matter how thin or small it may be.

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