Sunday, February 11, 2018

Hill Intervals in "MUTEKI": 13 Sets by 1 K

Seven days to Ohme 30 K Road Race 2018, I had my last major practice run in preparation for the event: 13 sets by 1 K intervals. The target was 4:15/K per lap. This is less challenging than that last Thursday. I lowered the intensity level of the training because two bloody blisters in my right sole were not completely healed. I chose MUTEKI for my footwear instead of aqua shoes because they are more protective of the sole.  

Because the pace was slower, I wanted to add a different element of challenge to the training. Today I shortened the recovery interval from the usual 2:00 to 1:45. The purpose is to improve my fatigue resistance. 

The result of the training today is shown below:
Warm Up 2 K: 12:30.74
Rest: 1.00.07
1st K: 4:20.68
Rest: 1:44.99
2nd K: 4:19.96
Rest: 1:45.26
3rd K: 4:06.14
Rest: 1:45.14
4th K: 4:09.11
Rest: 1:45.22
5th K: 4:16.14
Rest: 1:45.38
6th K: 4:18.75
Rest: 1:45.25
7th K: 4:17.89
Rest: 1:45.21
8th K: 4:33.13
Rest: 1:45.23
9th K: 4:22.68
Rest: 1:45.27
10th K: 4:37.59
Rest: 1:45.28
11th K: 4:18.66
Rest: 1:45.19
12th K: 4:38.81
Rest: 1:46.97
13th K: 4:10.28
Warm Down 3 K: 20:09.11
Total 18 K: 1:51:14

As you see the time started deteriorating significantly in the 8th set. A shorter recovery interval started taking a toll on me. The times in even numbered laps are particularly bad. This is because the steepness of the largest upward incline in the course is greater there than in the odd numbered lap, and therefore it's harder to pick up the pace. I felt like quitting because the time wouldn't improve. But I gritted my teeth and bore, and decided to go on. In the 13th lap I felt out of gas, but kicked after finishing climbing the last upward incline to come under the target time of 4:15. I was glad. 

Tonight, after dinner, I might go for yet another run to increase the total mileage for the day. I'll write about it if I do.

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