Wednesday, October 18, 2023

『長野マラソン』:コース所感 / The Nagano Marathon: A Thought on the Course


私自身は、このレースを走ったことが無いが注目している。理由は、完走者の一人から感動の体験を聴いたことがあるからだ。A. K.君という以前の勤め先の生え抜きのメンバーで、若い頃サッカーで足腰心肺を鍛えぬいた彼は、当時勤務していた長野のマラソンを格好の挑戦と捉え挑む。しかし体力に絶大な自信を誇る彼にもマラソンの壁は偉大だったようだ。沿道の応援に後押しされながらゴールを切った瞬間、万感の思いに涙したという。運動神経抜群の20代の青年を涙させた感動のマラソン大会・・・長野マラソンは、こうして私の心に刻まれた。




今回コース分析の参考にしたのはアジア陸上ソウル大会女子マラソン金メダリスト浅井えり子さんのYou Tube動画。彼女の説明を踏まえ、私個人として、長野マラソンの特筆すべき特徴を5つ挙げる:















The 26th Nagano Marathon will be held on Sunday, April 21, 2024. The registration for 9,800 general runners will begin at 10:00 a.m. on Saturday, October 21. I wish the best of luck to everyone who plans to participate.

I have never run this race myself, but I am paying attention to it. A.K., a former co-worker of mine ran Nagano once. He is a former soccer player and prides himself on his physical strength. He said that the moment he crossed the finish line, cheered on by the cheering crowds along the way, he was moved to tears with a sense of accomplishment. The Nagano Marathon was that much of a challenge to him. The race was thus engraved in my mind.

As I have not run a full marathon since my meniscus injury on July 25, 2021, the Nagano Marathon next April is still too early for me. However, I hope to run a full marathon someday.... For example, perhaps to celebrate my 60th birthday?

Today, I would like to share with you my thoughts on the course, based on the information I have gathered in advance, in preparation for when the day comes when I will realize my dream and run the race. I hope it will be of some help to citizen runners who love marathons and who will run in the Nagano Marathon.

<Nagano Marathon>
I referred to the You Tube video of Eriko Asai, gold medalist in the women's marathon at the Asian Athletics Championships in Seoul, as a reference for my course analysis. Based on her explanation, I personally would like to list five notable features of the Nagano Marathon:
1) Little undulation
2) Pace-up trap
3) Olympic Bridge
4) Running along the river in the second half
5) A goal that seems both near and far away.

Each item is described in detail below.

(1) Little undulation
The Nagano Marathon is a relatively flat course. The most notable climbs are after 5km and around the 20km mark. Since the race starts early at 8:30 a.m., some runners may feel that this hill is good for warming up the runner's body.

The next hill is the climb up to the Olympic Bridge, which begins near the 20 km mark and ends near the halfway point. According to Ms. Asai, this slope is not only challenging, but also requires careful running due to the fact that the road is sloped to the edge. The slope is steeper as you get closer to the edge, so it would be better to stay away from the edge to avoid injury such as a sprained ankle.

According to the elevation map, there are some undulations starting around 35K, but they are limited in scale. However, considering that the legs are fatigued in the latter half of the race, it may have some impact. In any case, the Nagano Marathon does not seem to be a race where undulations are a big factor.

2) The Pace-Up Trap
Many of the biggest causes of a shoddy marathon are running too quickly too early. And in the Nagano Marathon, there are several traps that unknowingly pull runners into wanting to run fast. Two of them are Zenkohji Temple and the Olympic Bridge.

The trap at Zenkohji Temple is easy to imagine. One is the runner's desire to make up the time lost on the climb leading up to the temple. The other is the loud cheering on the approach to the temple. The downhill from  Zenkohji Temple is one of the best spots for cheering. Crowds of people cheer on runners from both sides here. It is no wonder that the runners hop like rabbits in a state of excitement. The approach is a long downhill running away from the temple farther into the race. If the runner tries to make up for the time lost on the ascent and picks up the pace here, his quads will take the full impact of the landing, which is said to be nearly three times his body weight, and the damage will be done. The damage can turn the runner into a zombie in the second half of the race.

Another trap is the Olympic Bridge. This will be discussed separately as the third point.

(3) Olympic Bridge
In the Nagano Marathon, participants will pass the Olympic Bridge twice. The first time is when they pass under it while running along the riverbed. The second time is when they bid farewell to the M-Wave, the Nagano Olympics Memorial Arena, and actually run over the Olympic Bridge. It is said that some of the citizen runners passing under the bridge first will see the top runners running on the bridge at this time. It will be a spectacular sight. It will be a moment to get excited. It's a moment that makes you think, "I'm going to give it the best I've got too." However, it is important to note that the runners should only think "I'll give it the best I've got," and actually give their best only after 35 kilometers. The marathon is long.

The second time through, the moment of crossing the Olympic Bridge arrives. This time, you will pass the 20 km point just before and the halfway point just after. Two of the most important points to check your relative position compared to your target time come before and after this bridge. Runners who have exceeded their target time at this point may be tempted to use the downhill after crossing the bridge to quickly increase their pace. But I am not sure if this is a good idea. I would reward myself for having successfully completed the first half of the race.
I would slow down my pace by about 10 seconds per kilometer until about 25K mark to prepare for the last quarter of the race. The marathon is long, and the wrong "pace-setting" between 20 and 25K can easily turn many citizen runners into "zombies" in the second half of the marathon. "Zombies" aren't beautiful. A beautiful marathon is, in the words of the late marathon coach Yoshio Koide, one in which you run after 30K mark the quickest.

For a beautiful marathon, it is better not to kick like a rabbit before, during, and after crossing the Olympic Bridge.

(4) Running along the river in the second half
Ms. Eriko Asai said that the Nagano Marathon is a flat course, but she also said winds are an important factor.  The wind in Nagano is unpredictable. The wind direction changes even during the race. In addition, there are no obstacles to block the wind on the riverside roads in the latter half of the race. The runners will be affected by the wind from all directions. If they are fortunate enough to have a tailwind, they will be able to break their personal best. Conversely, a headwind would be the biggest test of all, shattering any hopes of setting a new record.

What is important here is to conserve stamina to face the wind on the riverside roads. If you have read this far, you will understand why I have repeatedly warned you of the risk of increasing the pace in the first half of the race in paragraphs 1) to 3). I would like to run through the second half of the race most strongly. I hear peach trees are in full bloom along the river around the time of the race around 35K mark. I would like to head for the goal with a feeling of being enveloped with those pink blossoms like I'm in a dream. As an old citizen runner who has experienced all sorts of sufferings through 18 full marathons, I believe that the key to the Nagano Marathon is to conserve stamina in the first half of the race so that you can run the potentially windy second half most strongly, no matter what challenges those winds may present to you.

(5) The goal that seems so close but is so far away
Finally, I would like to say a few words about the finish line. The Nagano Marathon leaves the river area a little before 40K mark, and after that there is only one straight road to the Olympic Stadium where the finish line awaits you. Once on this straight road, the Olympic Stadium is said to be within sight. "But it is far away," was Mr. Asai's comment. Those who have completed the Shonan International Marathon, one of the most popular races in the Kanto region, may understand this. The fact that "the goal is in sight, but it is not yet the finish line" is quite a mental torture after 40 kilometers. Therefore, I would consider this single straight road as a 2km celebration to enjoy communication with the cheering supporters along the road. It would be a 2km of appreciatively responding to "Go for it" and "Congratulations" give to you with "Thank you." Then, these two kilometers will evaporate in the blink of an eye, and before you know it, the Olympic Stadium will be opening its arms and embracing the runners!

This is my impression of the Nagano Marathon course. Some runners may find it completely irrelevant. Others may find it useful if you know my running experience, and also what level of runners I have in mind as I write this. I'll provide some reference information below to give you an idea of my experience and level. This is data from my last full marathon before a meniscus injury made it impossible for me to train. I think my information will be helpful to those who are aiming for a sub-4 and those who are in their 50s or so who are working hard to improve their PRs (personal records) from sub-4 to sub-3.5.


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