Friday, December 29, 2023

年末合同練習:箱根一区/Year-End Distance Challenge: 1st Leg of Hakone Ekiden Relay Race

 (Note there is an English version available at the end.)




I completed my annual year-end joint training with my friends. This year's challenge was running the first leg of the Hakone Ekiden. Departing from Kanda Raffine at 9:30 a.m., we paid a visit to the Yomiuri Shinbun Head Office building, 600 meters away from the running base. After that, we went down Hibiya Dori to join Daiichi Keihin and started running toward the Tsurumi relay station. It was a cloudless Friday. As we left central Tokyo, the temperature began to rise moderately as fewer buildings blocked the gradually rising sun. As we stopped less often by traffic lights, we came to run longer and longer without a break. Some of my fellow runners took off their windbreakers or started running in short sleeves.
About 18 kilometers from the start, we passed the Rokugo Bridge, one of the most critical points in the first leg competition. The famous spot overlooking the vast riverbank of the Tama River was bright with sunlight, and it was a refreshing break from the fatigue that had been building up to that point.
After crossing the bridge, there were only a little more than 3 kilometers to reach the relay station. Taking advantage of the downhill slope of the Rokugo Bridge, Hakone athletes accelerate even though their legs may be getting heavier. I pictured in my mind's eye those brave runners of Hakone fighting against lactic acid build-up, challenging the limits of their cardiovascular capacity with everything they have just to pass their tasuki sash in the first place.
About three and a half hours after the start. We arrived at our goal--the Tsurumi relay station. We got a picture taken at a memorial granite monument.
After the run, we had lunch at a famous curry restaurant called "Parikar" in Tsurumi Ichiba. Some of us celebrated the completion with beer. Me and one other friend of mine friend didn’t drink alcohol because we were planning to run a few extra miles after lunch.
After lunch, the three of us returned to the run-station in Kanda, while the other and I completed an additional 7.1 km run to JR Kamata Station.
We found ourselves running a little less than 30 kilometers, making it a fun and fulfilling LSD training session. I am glad that the training was very effective in conjunction with the interval training on the previous day.
Today, I plan to go for a light jogging session late at night for physical and mental conditioning. Tomorrow, on New Year's Eve, I will finish my last run of the year with a 30km tempo run, the most important training for the Tateyama Wakashio Marathon to be held on January 28 (Sunday). I will leave home around 10 p.m. and run under the stars to welcome the New Year.

Thursday, December 28, 2023

Naoya Inoue vs Marlon Tapales/井上尚弥 vs マーロン・タパレス






タパレス選手は上半身が柔らかかった。それを生かしたディフェンスによって井上尚弥選手の武器である右ストレートを寸前でかわす場面が時折見られた。この右ストレートが正面からまとも入って試合開始70秒で決着のついたファン・カルロス・パヤノ(Juan Carlos Payano)戦のように前半で決着がつかなかった一因がここにあると思う。








さて、ここまで述べてきたタパレス選手の優れた特長を、モンスターはいかに凌駕し、勝利を手にしたのだろう。Stephen Fulton戦と比較して明らかに進化したと思われる点を2点に集約して述べる。


井上尚弥選手は、Stephen Fulton戦の時よりも身体がゴツくなって見えた。2戦してスーパーバンタムの身体造りが完成形に近づいた、そんな印象を受けた。私が「おおぅ」と思ったのは「僧帽筋」だ。首の両脇が富士山の裾野のようにもっこり盛り上がっていた。僧帽筋は腕を肩よりも上の方へあげる際に活躍する筋肉だといわれる。モンスターは、この筋肉がしろうとの私が目で見てわかるくらい身体的にハードな訓練をして試合当日を迎えたのだろう。また体幹も明らかに一回り太くなって見えた。その結果か、右ストレート一発とっても「重さ」が明らかに違って見えた。試合後の会見で、「倒れた時は正直驚いた」と本人に言わしめた右ストレートは、半分ガードの上から当たったようだが、それでも決定打となった要因は、それまでガードの上から被弾した多くの右ストレートと同様に、ガードの上からでもダメージを与えらえるほど「破壊力」があった、ということなのだろう。


今回のモンスターの戦い方は、タパレスという選手の特徴に合わせてカスタマイズされて見えた。ビジネスでは顧客分析が重要な役目を果たす。ボクシングの対戦相手をビジネスのカスタマーと呼ぶのは変かもしれないが、「制することで収益を得る」という点では、タパレスをカスタマーと捉えてもよかろう。例えば、今回のお客様のタパレスはサウスポーだ。サウスポーのカスタマーには、右のパンチが入りやすい。今回の試合では、得意の右ストレートは、前回のStephen Fulton戦と同様に、今回の試合でもカギを握った。しかし、前回あまり見られなかったが、今回は印象に残ったショットがあった。右のアッパーだ。決定打にはならなかった。しかし、モンスターはサウスポーのタパレスに合わせて、このショットをカスタマイズしていることがわかる。前回のStephen Fulton戦では、左のボディジャブがStephen Fulton用にカスタマイズされた戦略の一つだった。今回は右のアッパーがそれだったと思う。




Year-End Interval Training


Today is the first day of winter vacation. I am looking forward to starting the new year with a clear mind and in perfect physical condition by balancing both what I want to do and what I should do. What I wanted to do on the first day was this interval training. This is "what I want to do. But it is also one of the "things I should do" considering that physical condition is essential to my job as an English teacher. Super important as such.

In fact, I had planned to conduct it last night. But I was so sleepy that I could not get out of the futon where I was taking a nap before the training. And the morning came. As it turned out, it was a good thing. Sleepiness is the heavenly voice that says, "Go to sleep. You must listen.
When I woke up after 10 hours of sleep. It was already "noon," not morning. I changed into my running gear and started running. The town was serene, and I felt that it was a suitable environment for hard training, where you had to talk to yourself a lot in your mind.
I ran 3 kilometers with the goal of running at the pace of 4:55 to 4:30 per kilometer. If I could not maintain this pace, I would have to face my "weal self," which would hurt my self-esteem. On the other hand, if I exceed the target pace, I can feel the benefits of my training and motivation goes up. So, when I look at the time of the first kilometer, I am very nervous. But, to my surprise, the clock read 4:07. I thought I was running 4:30 or thereabout, so I felt confident that this was definitely the result of last weekend's 25km hill tempo run. However, it was a little too fast. I had to control my pace a little because I would burn out before completing the 6km. After that, I continued to train steadily until the last kilometer. The high pace of the first 1km was tooking its toll on me and I started to suffer a lot. However, it was important to "push hard" in the last kilometer. I spurted the last 100 meters, tears welling up in my eyes due to lack of oxygen. It was my third best lap of the day.
Cool Down at the end of the day, as they say, is important. The effect of interval training depends on the run after the training. I heard that LSD after interval training is especially effective, so I finished the practice with a solid 4-km jog.
After practice, I cooled myself my favorite pasta. I fueled my body with protein, minerals, and other essential nutrients.
Tomorrow I have the annual joint practice with my runner friends. We will leave Raffine in Kanda at 9:30. We run the first section of the Hakone Ekiden. It's gonna be fun.

Monday, December 4, 2023

Race Report: The 19th Hadano Tanzawa Minase-Gawa Half Marathon/レースレポート:第19回はだの丹沢水無川マラソン

The 19th Hadano Tanzawa Minase-Gawa Half Marathon took place on Sunday, December 3 in the picturesque quiet town of Hadano, Kanagawa Prefecture. I ran it in bare feet and crossed the finish line an hour 41 minutes and 4 seconds after the gun went off with a net time of 1:40:23. I'm happy with the result as it far exceeds my original expectations. Below is a brief report of how I ran the race.

The race was scheduled to be officially underway at 8:45 a.m. I stayed at a hotel in the nearby city of Honatsugi on the previous night and gave myself a good night's sleep. 

On the race day, I woke up at 6:00 a.m., did my usual stretching, and had breakfast offered at the hotel. 

I took a 7:25 train. A 17-minute ride took me to Hadano where the race took place. There was a free shuttle bus available from the station to the race venue. I got there 30 minutes before the race.  I joined my runner friend and quickly got changed. I heard an announcement telling runners to stand by at their corral. Mine was Corral D. 

About 5 minutes after I stood by, the gun went off, and the race was officially underway. There was brief congestion initially but in less than a minute I settled into my pace. 

There is a cut-off time of 30 minutes at 5K in the race. If you run 1K in slower than 6 minutes, you are out. It's an easy pace for experienced runners but not too easy for beginners. Everyone tries hard so as not to be cut off at this early stage of the race. 

There is a slight undulation in the first 5K, but compared to the rest of the course it is fairly flat. But then comes the beginning of a real test of endurance once you are past the 5K mark. 

Once you go past the water station at 5K, you take a right turn and go north toward the mountain range. It slowly starts climbing, initially through a commercially lively area. But once you are past that commercial area, a wide view opens up in front of you, and the landscape changes almost instantly. Now you are surrounded by empty rice paddies and modern two-storied houses that were typically seen in the commercial area are mostly replaced with old houses with large yards. You are in the hilly section of the course.

The hilly section lasts between 8K and 15.5K. There is a long downhill around 13K and a brief downward incline at 15K but other than that, it basically continues to go up. It's a long and hard journey. 

It is in this most challenging section, though, that if you are a well-trained citizen runner, you can reel in those who went too fast too early. Since I mostly trained on hilly courses, I enjoyed the benefit of all the effort I put into the prep for this race. The only thing that I wasn't prepared enough for was the unexpectedly ill-maintained surface of many parts of the road in this section. They were insanely rough and often edgy and the damage on my soles sapped the energy out of me. 

But when the iconic landmark of The Suspension Bridge of Wind came into view, the excruciating pain from withstanding the edgy road surface and the lactic acids building in the leg muscles for a moment seemed to be forgotten. 

As I ran across the bridge, I looked across the vast mountain range on the west and then down at the city below. Now the real game begins! 

The suspension bridge is at the 15.5K mark. From this point on, it's all downhill. This is the most enjoyable section of the race if you are well-trained and appropriately paced up to this point.  I was ready to hammer down the hill!

But then I faced something totally unexpected. Though I knew that the race had been re-routed some years ago, and the course briefly went through a park instead of going on a public road, I was not prepared for the surprisingly edgy surface of the walking path through the park. It was ridiculously spiky and I just couldn't inject the pace where I most wanted to run fast! At times I had to step off the walking path onto the grass right next to it. When the park section finally ended and I found myself back on the public road, I was so relieved that I almost cried with joy. 

Once on the public road, my surge was on another level. The road was well-paved. It's downhill. I rolled on like a thunderball. There was a brief side-tracking off the public road into a narrow trail along the river that was designed to avoid blocking the city traffic, but the surface wasn't as bad as that of the walking path in the park. And in less than a few hundred meters I was back on the public road again. 

The last few kilometers are all a mental game. I visualized my regular training course in my mind and imagined I was running it. I said to myself, "You don't know how many times you've run this course before. It will go just like it did so many times before." 

Finally, the long downhill ended, and I took two right turns into a straight road leading to the finish area. A yellow arch is in sight. But there is one lap of the track before going under that arch.  When I got my bare feet on that track, I grimaced in pain. The surface of the track was as edgy as that of the walking path in the park after the 15.5K mark! I was like, "Not now! Now this particular time and place of the race! Please!" But there was no choice. There was no escape. I kept on running. Now I am on the opposite side across the track from the finish arch. Two hundred fifty meters more to go. The pain became almost unbearable. There was a grassy area next to the track. I ran on it. But It ended when I turned around the last corner. The arch is in sight. Two hundred meters more to go. I heard footsteps from behind. Someone is trying to overtake me. I don't want to let it happen. I want to surge. But it's so painful. The footsteps sound nearer. Am I slowing down? Or is the running behind me picking up the pace. Will I be overtaken? No, I won't let it happen! Oh, suddenly the surface became only slightly less spiky! Oh, the pain is now manageable. I can surge. I can inject pace. I am running faster. Faster! And faster into the arch! Across the finish line! The race is over. The mission is accomplished. My soles hurt. But I can forget about it now. The joy far exceeds the pain. Allow me to soak myself fully in the positive feeling. Oh, God. I did it. Shiiiiit, it hurts!  But thank God, I didn't give it up. And I'm so glad I didn't. 

Sometime after I crossed the finish line, my runner friend also successfully completed the challenging race, and together we enjoyed having a bowl of pork soup that was offered to all finishers. 

After the race, I found some blood blisters on both of my soles. They were painful at first. But after squeezing the blood out of them, they became less painful. 

About 40 hours have passed since the race was over. The blisters are no longer so painful. I believe I can go to work with no problem tomorrow morning. I will probably give myself a good rest on Tuesday. I may go for a recovery walk at night. But I won't restart my serious running training until next week. I am afraid I am slightly depleted. I want to build strength. I will probably increase the volume of leg muscle training to maintain the strength that I need to carry on the fairly challenging training regimen that I want to execute in December and January. 

Wednesday, October 18, 2023

『長野マラソン』:コース所感 / The Nagano Marathon: A Thought on the Course


私自身は、このレースを走ったことが無いが注目している。理由は、完走者の一人から感動の体験を聴いたことがあるからだ。A. K.君という以前の勤め先の生え抜きのメンバーで、若い頃サッカーで足腰心肺を鍛えぬいた彼は、当時勤務していた長野のマラソンを格好の挑戦と捉え挑む。しかし体力に絶大な自信を誇る彼にもマラソンの壁は偉大だったようだ。沿道の応援に後押しされながらゴールを切った瞬間、万感の思いに涙したという。運動神経抜群の20代の青年を涙させた感動のマラソン大会・・・長野マラソンは、こうして私の心に刻まれた。




今回コース分析の参考にしたのはアジア陸上ソウル大会女子マラソン金メダリスト浅井えり子さんのYou Tube動画。彼女の説明を踏まえ、私個人として、長野マラソンの特筆すべき特徴を5つ挙げる:















The 26th Nagano Marathon will be held on Sunday, April 21, 2024. The registration for 9,800 general runners will begin at 10:00 a.m. on Saturday, October 21. I wish the best of luck to everyone who plans to participate.

I have never run this race myself, but I am paying attention to it. A.K., a former co-worker of mine ran Nagano once. He is a former soccer player and prides himself on his physical strength. He said that the moment he crossed the finish line, cheered on by the cheering crowds along the way, he was moved to tears with a sense of accomplishment. The Nagano Marathon was that much of a challenge to him. The race was thus engraved in my mind.

As I have not run a full marathon since my meniscus injury on July 25, 2021, the Nagano Marathon next April is still too early for me. However, I hope to run a full marathon someday.... For example, perhaps to celebrate my 60th birthday?

Today, I would like to share with you my thoughts on the course, based on the information I have gathered in advance, in preparation for when the day comes when I will realize my dream and run the race. I hope it will be of some help to citizen runners who love marathons and who will run in the Nagano Marathon.

<Nagano Marathon>
I referred to the You Tube video of Eriko Asai, gold medalist in the women's marathon at the Asian Athletics Championships in Seoul, as a reference for my course analysis. Based on her explanation, I personally would like to list five notable features of the Nagano Marathon:
1) Little undulation
2) Pace-up trap
3) Olympic Bridge
4) Running along the river in the second half
5) A goal that seems both near and far away.

Each item is described in detail below.

(1) Little undulation
The Nagano Marathon is a relatively flat course. The most notable climbs are after 5km and around the 20km mark. Since the race starts early at 8:30 a.m., some runners may feel that this hill is good for warming up the runner's body.

The next hill is the climb up to the Olympic Bridge, which begins near the 20 km mark and ends near the halfway point. According to Ms. Asai, this slope is not only challenging, but also requires careful running due to the fact that the road is sloped to the edge. The slope is steeper as you get closer to the edge, so it would be better to stay away from the edge to avoid injury such as a sprained ankle.

According to the elevation map, there are some undulations starting around 35K, but they are limited in scale. However, considering that the legs are fatigued in the latter half of the race, it may have some impact. In any case, the Nagano Marathon does not seem to be a race where undulations are a big factor.

2) The Pace-Up Trap
Many of the biggest causes of a shoddy marathon are running too quickly too early. And in the Nagano Marathon, there are several traps that unknowingly pull runners into wanting to run fast. Two of them are Zenkohji Temple and the Olympic Bridge.

The trap at Zenkohji Temple is easy to imagine. One is the runner's desire to make up the time lost on the climb leading up to the temple. The other is the loud cheering on the approach to the temple. The downhill from  Zenkohji Temple is one of the best spots for cheering. Crowds of people cheer on runners from both sides here. It is no wonder that the runners hop like rabbits in a state of excitement. The approach is a long downhill running away from the temple farther into the race. If the runner tries to make up for the time lost on the ascent and picks up the pace here, his quads will take the full impact of the landing, which is said to be nearly three times his body weight, and the damage will be done. The damage can turn the runner into a zombie in the second half of the race.

Another trap is the Olympic Bridge. This will be discussed separately as the third point.

(3) Olympic Bridge
In the Nagano Marathon, participants will pass the Olympic Bridge twice. The first time is when they pass under it while running along the riverbed. The second time is when they bid farewell to the M-Wave, the Nagano Olympics Memorial Arena, and actually run over the Olympic Bridge. It is said that some of the citizen runners passing under the bridge first will see the top runners running on the bridge at this time. It will be a spectacular sight. It will be a moment to get excited. It's a moment that makes you think, "I'm going to give it the best I've got too." However, it is important to note that the runners should only think "I'll give it the best I've got," and actually give their best only after 35 kilometers. The marathon is long.

The second time through, the moment of crossing the Olympic Bridge arrives. This time, you will pass the 20 km point just before and the halfway point just after. Two of the most important points to check your relative position compared to your target time come before and after this bridge. Runners who have exceeded their target time at this point may be tempted to use the downhill after crossing the bridge to quickly increase their pace. But I am not sure if this is a good idea. I would reward myself for having successfully completed the first half of the race.
I would slow down my pace by about 10 seconds per kilometer until about 25K mark to prepare for the last quarter of the race. The marathon is long, and the wrong "pace-setting" between 20 and 25K can easily turn many citizen runners into "zombies" in the second half of the marathon. "Zombies" aren't beautiful. A beautiful marathon is, in the words of the late marathon coach Yoshio Koide, one in which you run after 30K mark the quickest.

For a beautiful marathon, it is better not to kick like a rabbit before, during, and after crossing the Olympic Bridge.

(4) Running along the river in the second half
Ms. Eriko Asai said that the Nagano Marathon is a flat course, but she also said winds are an important factor.  The wind in Nagano is unpredictable. The wind direction changes even during the race. In addition, there are no obstacles to block the wind on the riverside roads in the latter half of the race. The runners will be affected by the wind from all directions. If they are fortunate enough to have a tailwind, they will be able to break their personal best. Conversely, a headwind would be the biggest test of all, shattering any hopes of setting a new record.

What is important here is to conserve stamina to face the wind on the riverside roads. If you have read this far, you will understand why I have repeatedly warned you of the risk of increasing the pace in the first half of the race in paragraphs 1) to 3). I would like to run through the second half of the race most strongly. I hear peach trees are in full bloom along the river around the time of the race around 35K mark. I would like to head for the goal with a feeling of being enveloped with those pink blossoms like I'm in a dream. As an old citizen runner who has experienced all sorts of sufferings through 18 full marathons, I believe that the key to the Nagano Marathon is to conserve stamina in the first half of the race so that you can run the potentially windy second half most strongly, no matter what challenges those winds may present to you.

(5) The goal that seems so close but is so far away
Finally, I would like to say a few words about the finish line. The Nagano Marathon leaves the river area a little before 40K mark, and after that there is only one straight road to the Olympic Stadium where the finish line awaits you. Once on this straight road, the Olympic Stadium is said to be within sight. "But it is far away," was Mr. Asai's comment. Those who have completed the Shonan International Marathon, one of the most popular races in the Kanto region, may understand this. The fact that "the goal is in sight, but it is not yet the finish line" is quite a mental torture after 40 kilometers. Therefore, I would consider this single straight road as a 2km celebration to enjoy communication with the cheering supporters along the road. It would be a 2km of appreciatively responding to "Go for it" and "Congratulations" give to you with "Thank you." Then, these two kilometers will evaporate in the blink of an eye, and before you know it, the Olympic Stadium will be opening its arms and embracing the runners!

This is my impression of the Nagano Marathon course. Some runners may find it completely irrelevant. Others may find it useful if you know my running experience, and also what level of runners I have in mind as I write this. I'll provide some reference information below to give you an idea of my experience and level. This is data from my last full marathon before a meniscus injury made it impossible for me to train. I think my information will be helpful to those who are aiming for a sub-4 and those who are in their 50s or so who are working hard to improve their PRs (personal records) from sub-4 to sub-3.5.


Saturday, October 14, 2023

MGC: Japan Marathon Trials for the Paris Olympics










The MGC, the Paris Olympics marathon trials took place. Naoki Koyama of Honda Motors won the men's race. Congratulations to him! Second place went to Akira Akasaki of Kyushu Electrics. Suguru Osako of Nike, who finished 6th in the Tokyo Olympics, had to settle for 3rd place.

In the early stages of the race, AD Sompo's Yuhki Kawauchi, who boasts absolute immunity to bad weather, ran fast despite the heavy rain. At one point, he was nearly a minute ahead of the chase group.

After the halfway point, however, the pace gradually picked up as the runners in the chase group took turns taking over the lead. 35 kilometers out, Kawauchi was finally caught by the chase group and they continued to run side by side for a while.

The race finally reached the most difficult point of the race, the Tomiisacho Nishi Intersection, and from there, it was a series of ups and downs leading up to the National Athletic Stadium. The runners who used up too much of their legs chasing Kawauchi first dropped out of the lead pack one by one on the first long climb, and then Naoki Koyama took over the lead. With only 4km to go, Naoki Koyama, Akira Akasaki, Suguru Osako, and Yuki Kawauchi were in the lead. And then Naoki Koyama suddenly injected the pace to immediately take a 10-meter lead. It took place with 4 kilometers remaining.

Suguru Osako didn't chase Koyama. Perhaps Osako remembered his nightmare four years ago when he used his legs on the downhill and was pulled away by Shogo Nakamura on the climb into the National Stadium and passed by Yuma Hattori in the last 500 meters, When Akira Akasaki broke away from the three-man pack, Osako did not chase either. He may have thought he could dodge him on the final hill into the National Stadium.

However, the gap between Osako and Akasaki did not close. The gap between Osako and Naoki Koyama didn't narrow either. Naoki Koyama continued to lead the race without slowing down. Akira Akasaki also entered the track and widened the gap between himself and Osako to qualify for the Paris Olympics.

Yuhki Kawauchi, who had made the race exciting in the early stages, finished in 4th place. However, this close loss will be remembered as a great effort that will enhance his reputation in the future.

In the women's MGC, Yuka Suzuki of Dai-ichi Life Insurance overtook Tokyo Olympics 8th place finisher Mao Ichiyama of Shiseido in the final state of the race and ran away to win. Ichiyama also earned the right to represent Japan in the next Olympics by maintaining a winning distance from Ai Hosoda (Edion) who was strongly chasing her from behind. Congratulations to all selected athletes!

The MGC is perhaps more exciting that the Olympic marathon...

Sunday, October 1, 2023

Race Report: The 38th Shiroi Nashi 10 K Road Race

The 38th Shiroi Nashi 10 K Road Race took place in the quiet country town of Shiroi, Chiba Prefecture. I ran the race and finished strongly. 

Below is a brief report of how I spent my race day.

On the morning of Oct. 1, I woke up at 6:15 a.m. to get ready for the race. I had a small breakfast of fruit and bread. I'd had a big dinner on the previous night. The race is short. I don't need a big breakfast. 

I put my gear in a backpack and took off around 7:00 a.m. on my scooter.  I considered riding my Kawasaki Vulcan S, but decided not to, and went on the scooter, thinking it would give me greater flexibility in terms of parking at the venue. 

I arrived at the venue around 7:35. Scooters were allowed to go all the way to the most convenient parking lot right next to the stadium while those for cars were located quite remote from the venue. I was lucky. 

The race was scheduled to start at 10:30. I was there way early. My sole reason for the early arrival was the parking issue. A leaflet that had been mailed to me said most parking lots are usually packed by 7:30 every year so if you planned to come, be sure to come early. But that instruction is mainly for car drivers, and not for motorcycle riders. Motorcycle riders have enough parking space all day. Next year, I will leave home much later to give myself a little longer sleep.

Once I parked the scooter, I found a little open space on the grass outside the stadium. I spread an air cushion and rested till my runner friends arrived. 

About 30 minutes after my arrival, the runner friends joined me, and for a couple hours before the race we updated on each other and enjoyed having free fresh Japanese pear which the organizer offered to runners and cheerers.

A couple of other races took place before mine. One of them is the 5K. It had some serious runners. When the leader came back into the stadium, he was welcomed with a roar of cheering and hand-clapping. The energy level inside the stadium was immediately boosted. 

As everyone saw the 5K runners completing the final lap, though, 10K runners started gathering on the track in twos and threes. The start was near.

At 10:30, the gun went off, and the race was officially underway.  We half-lapped the track and streamed out into the road. Right after leaving the stadium behind, we were met with a brief uphill, which was followed by a downhill of about the same distance. It's about 1.5 K until the first left turn around the corner of Seven-Eleven's convenience store. The road is relatively narrow for a large pack of runners. Congestion is severe. Overtaking runners is fairly hard at this stage, which was good for me because my game plan was starting off at an easy pace of 5:40/K.

By the time we reached the third left turn which comes around 1 K after the second turn, the pack was stretched long, and overtaking became easier, though as I said, I kept my pace carefully in check so as not to deplete my energy tank too much in that second half of the race yet.  

By the time I was into 3K, I had settled into a pretty good pace. The halfway point was near, which is located somewhere in an industrial area.

By the time I finally reached the 5K mark in the industrial area, the runners were dispersed, and the road was wider. Congestion was no longer an issue. Over-paced runners started slowing down near the halfway point. 

I didn't realize it when I researched the course on my motorcycle, the undulation of the road in the industrial area was not negligible. I could clearly see a number of runners were struggling with going up an upward slope. I narrowed my strides and increased my cadence. It is my usual approach to climbing hills. 

Once outside the industrial area, the course became flat again for about one kilometer. As I had originally planned, I injected my pace slightly, but not too much. I wanted to save enough for a final kick. 

Then about 2.5 K to the finish line, there was a long downhill. I would have hammered it down before my knee injury, but today I went easy. I didn't want another injury. Also, I wanted to save enough for the last kick. 

Around 2 K to the finish line, we went through small woods where the road was poorly maintained. It was a hard blow to the increasingly damaged bare sole of mine. But thanks to God knows what neuro-transmitting substances, I was well numb to a significant amount of pain. I forced through the ill-paved path like a German tank. 

Once outside the woods, the finish line was near. The crowd was larger on either side of the road, with aid workers in staff jackets cheering us on by yelling and waving hands. The stadium was now in sight. I visualize myself lapping the track strongly.

Finally, the gate into the track was ahead of me. An aid worker was swinging a flag from left to right to navigate the runners to the right course. I took a sharp right turn into the track. Suddenly all the discomfort caused by the rough surface of the driveway was gone, and the spongy surface of the track felt like a blessing. Three hundred meters more to go. I tried to kick. But the diaphragm was screwed up and I felt choked.  I couldn't breathe properly. But I moved on. I turned the 3rd corner. The runner ahead of me kicked. I wanted to hang on. But I couldn't. He went farther and farther away with each step. I turned the last corner. One hundred meters more to go. At this moment I finally mustered up everything I had left and surged. Surge I did. And in less than 10 seconds, I was on the other side of the finish line! The race was over. Suddenly, I felt like I just took off a winter coat that was made of lead.

After the race, I was hungry, I ate Chinese on my way home. Once back home, I crashed into a futon and slept like a baby for about three hours non-stop. 

My next race is on Dec. 3. It's the 19th Hadano Tanzawa Minasegawa River Half Marathon. It is a very important stepping stone to my most important race at the beginning of next year--the Tateyama Wakashio Marathon. 

I will probably go for a blood donation in Funabashi tomorrow. After that, I will take a week off from training.  And then when I fully recover from the blood donation, I will start from jogging. 

Monday, September 18, 2023

My Next Fitness Challenge/白井梨マラソン10キロの部

With the 39th Kyoho no Oka 18.3 K Road Race rather painstakingly but nonetheless successfully completed, I am already looking forward to my next fitness goal, which is the 38th Shiroi Pear 10 K Road Race. I'm running it for the first time.

When I signed up for the race, I mainly did so because the race venue's proximity to my home and also because of free pear to be served at the event.

But I have a fresh outlook on it now. Today I went to the venue on my motorcycle and rode through the course twice for research. It is a pretty good course for a barefoot runner. I mean, it's reasonably barefoot-runnable.

The race starts off the Shiroi City Athletic Ground. It goes down for several hundred meters and then gets flat. After running around 1 K it takes a first left turn into a busy commercial road, and then take another left into a narrow farm road and keeps straight for a little less than one kilometer. It takes another left into another busy commercial road toward an industrial area where many factories stand. After about one and a half on the commercial road, the course takes its first right turn into the industrial area and zig-zags through it for about one kilometer. 

Once out of the industrial area, you are back on a commercial road again. But very briefly. You go into a smaller industrial area for a while and then come back on a commercial road again. But you stay on the commercial road only briefly, and turns left into a quiet farmers' district and eventually into a small forest where the sun is blocked by the trees. This last for a few hundred meters. 

Once out of the forest, the finish line is near. You are back on a sunny road which connects to the halfway point of the first straight road coming from the start. Once you reach the connecting point, you take a left and the finish line is within 500 meters.

Overall, the road surface is smooth and looks friendly to barefoot runners. My only concern is the area circled in red on the man above. The road is not maintained well. There are cracks all over the place. Plus, because it is in the forest, you see a whole bunch of mystery nuts and bits of twigs and so on. They are not comfortable on the sole.  But it only lasts for a few hundred meters. I can grit my teeth and bear it.

There are many farm stands along the course that sell Japanese pears. I stopped by one of them today and bought a bag of 'hohsui' pears for 1,000 yen. I exchanged a few words with a fine-looking young employee there, saying that I was going to run the forthcoming Pear Road Race, and that I was running in a Tarzan costume and in bare feet. She reacted wildly with wows and smiles. 

The race is on Oct. 1. There are only 12 left until the race. At this stage there is nothing spectacular that you can do to improve your outcome. I will continue my regular training. I will run 10 K three times a week. In the last one week leading to the race day, I will what I did for the Kyono no Oka Road Race. It conditioned my mind-body perfectly. I'm sure it will work for this one as well. I cannot wait to run again.  




Wednesday, September 6, 2023

"Children of a Lesser God" (1986)

I was browsing TV this afternoon when an old movie caught my eye. It turned out to be a movie called "Children of a Lesser God." I could not leave the TV set and watched it till the end.  It was a good movie. I had no idea how it hadn't been brought to my attention until now.

Long story short, it's a story of an idealistic teacher named James who teaches deaf students how to speak. One day, he sees a young woman storming out of the kitchen of his school cafeteria. When he asks the school principal who she is, he learns she's a former student named Sarah who now works as a school janitor. 

Sarah is beautiful. And she is also one of the brightest, according to the principal. James is curious why she settles for a seemingly unexciting job of janitor. James tries to communicate with Sarah, and also out of his professional idealism tries to get her interested in speaking when he learns that Sarah can talk in sign language, but that she would not try to speak.

As time goes by, James comes to a point where he must admit to himself and to Sarah also that he is in love with her. Sarah quits the job of janitor and starts to live with James in his place. But things do not go as well as they want them to. While knowing deep down that he must love her just the way she is, his professional idealism raises its head every now and then, he acts as if he wanted Sarah to learn to speak. Sarah senses it, and decides to leave his place without telling him where she is going.  James is left alone.

Months after they are parted, James goes to meet Sarah's mom to find out she works downtown as a manicurist. James goes to the salon where she works and sees her through the shop window receiving a tip from a satisfied customer. James leaves the salon without contacting Sarah.

Time passes. There is a school festival. James looks happy with his students dancing and smiling. But in the back of his mind, there is always Sarah. How is she doing? Doesn't she miss me? Could she ever come back to me... He turns his eyes off his happy students and sees a crowd of formally-dressed guests. Among a number of tall guests, near their shoulders, that familiar long curly hair is glimpsed, and as those guests walk off, a full figure of the owner of that hair becomes visible. It was Sarah dressed in a white one-piece dress and white heels. The upper chest of the dress is slightly lacy to make her look charmingly feminine. James cannot believe his eyes. He slowly looks away from his charmingly-dressed former girlfriend and leaves the party room and gets out into the starry night. A while later, Sarah joins him outside. They tell each other by sign language what went through their minds while they were apart. They realize they need each other. 

The actress who plays Sarah is Marlee Matlin. She is very charming in the movie, able to express so many complicated emotions. In real life, she lost almost all of her hearing ability as a child, but that didn't stop her from pursuing acting career. At age 58, she is still incredibly vivacious and charming. She is also very active in promoting support for people with hearing impairment. 

Her co-star, William Hur who played James passed away last year after leaving a colorful filmography behind...


Thursday, August 17, 2023

Training for Kyoho no Oka Marathon

 Aug. 17, 2023

I've been training for the 39th Kyono no Oka 18.3 K Road Race. It's scheduled for Sept. 17. The training has been good overall. But it's been a bit irregular due to a number of factors. First, the extraordinary heat of this summer was too exhausting. I often chose rest over training. Secondly, I had an issue with my left hip joint in early August. I stopped running altogether and switched to cycling temporarily.  Also, I had my summer vacation from the 10 to the 17. I gave priority to other things. 

Thanks to the temporary break from running training, the hip joint is much better now. On the night of the 16, I went for a short run to see how my legs would respond. The response was good enough. I didn't feel any pain. So I am going to start my running training again. There is only one month left. Any injury after this point can be unrecoverable. I need to train carefully. I should not push too hard. The hip joint issue mentioned earlier occurred several days after I did significantly long runs. I didn't take baby steps. I suddenly increased my training distance from 10 K to 20 K. I wasn't patient. I guess I wanted to prove to myself that I could still do it. Well, I DID prove that I could do it. But with a price. And that is a price I wouldn't have had to pay if I had been more sensible.

Well, a lesson has been learned. I will be wiser in the remaining time till the race day comes.

My recent sessions are good examples. I was careful not to overdo it. The one on the night of the 16 was brief and easy. I chose the out-and-back 6 K course near my house. With 1 K remaining, I felt strong, so I added an extra route to run 8.7 K. I kept my pace in check. I adjusted my stride and cadence when running up hills. I went barefooted just to see how my soles would respond. They got slightly sore, but not too badly. They've been spoiled quite a bit after weeks of shoe-clad training.

The following night I went out for exercise again. This time I mainly walked. After a barefoot run, I wanted to rest my once-injured/now-basically-recovered left knee. But at the same time, I didn't want to give it a full rest. I'm sure my knee is better than that. A good long walk is my solution. However, a walk alone doesn't satisfy me completely. Its intensity is low. There is little challenge in terms of resistance either. So I took a route that allowed me to visit parks where I could do body weight muscle exercises like pull-ups, chin-ups, dips, and push-ups, using iron bars and swings. This enabled me to significantly increase the total number of calories burned in the session. They help me build the core strength needed to keep a good running posture. 

Twenty-four hours have passed since the walk and park workout training session on the night of the 17, I feel my chest a bit sore. (Which is good. It's a sign that there were micro tears.) But that is a condition that doesn't affect running.  So I am going to hit the road soon. It's cool outside now compared with a few nights ago. The mere prospect of being alone on the road thrills me. I love that awesome feeling of keeping the entire road all to myself in the still of the night in the pitch dark.  

Thursday, June 1, 2023

<All Japan Athletics Championships Men's 5000m/全日本陸上選手権男子5000㍍>

Fujitsu's Kazuya Shiojiri, the former ace of Juntendo University in Hakone, won the Men's 5000m at All Japan Athletics Championships. It was his first victory in the event. Congratulations to Kazuya!

In the beginning of the race, two African runners, who were open participants, led the pack. Then, toward the middle of the race, Yuichiro Ueno, who is the coach of the Rikkyo University Ekiden Club, alternated with the aforementioned Africans to lead the pace.
Ueno ran out of steam after the midpoint, but the leading group was replaced by a group of strong Japanese runners who were aiming for the top prize. Leading the pack was defending champion Hyuga Endo of Sumitomo Electric Industries, who has won this event twice in a row.
Endo graduated from Gakuho Ishikawa High School in Fukushima Prefecture and immediately started working for a businessman's team. He has a reputation for his last-minute spurt, and he was eagerly awaiting his chance to make it in today's race.
Shiojiri was the one who prevented him from doing so. Knowing that he had no chance to win in the sprint race on the last lap, Shiojiri made a long spurt with two laps to go!
The question was, how long would Shiojiri's long spurt last? The race was now down to how long Shiojiri's spurt would last, and where Endo would catch him.
The bell rang for the final lap. Endo's pitch clearly increased, and the third placer was closing in on Endo. The pace of the two competitors visibly increased as they competed with each other. The gap between Endo and Shiojiri, running solo in front, has narrowed! Has Shiojiri played into Endo's hands?
The gap did not close any further, and Shiojiri cut the tape, almost keeping the gap he had opened up in the long spurt on the second lap.
The race reminded me of the U.S. Women's 10,000m Tokyo Olympics selection race. There were two 5000m specialists in this race who had already qualified for the Women's 5000m and were looking for their spot in their second event. If the race was slow-paced, a sprinter who is confident in sprinting could make a last sprint to escape. In the actual race, both of the aforementioned runners who planned to win in this way dominated the pace at the front of the field.
However, there was one who didn't like it to happen and that was Emily Sisson. After taking the lead from the 5,000-meter specialist after the midpoint of the race, she gradually increased her pace.
Too fast a pace too early is a double-edged sword. Running out of gas in the last part of the race, she could be overtaken by those with stamina. However, Emily Sisson was able to maintain the lead and qualified for the Olympics.
In short, I think that is what she had been practicing for. I think Shiojiri was also practicing like that today. What you practice comes out in the competition. Plain and simple. But hard to put into practice.
しかしそこに物言いをつけた選手がいた。Emily Sisson選手である。中盤以降に5000㍍のスペシャリストから首位を奪うとそのまま徐々に徐々にペースアップを図った。
速過ぎるペースアップは諸刃の剣だ。ラストでガス欠をし、力を温存している後半型の選手にまくられて後塵を拝すことになりかねない。しかしEmily Sisson選手は逃げ切った。そして五輪の出場権を獲得した。