Sunday, August 11, 2019

Intervals: 5 Sets by 400 M in 'Jikatabi' Split-Toe Shoes

Aug. 11, 2019

A couple of hours after having dinner I felt like hitting the road again. I wasn't in a mood to run a very long distance. But I definitely wanted to run longer than I did this afternoon.  I also wanted to run fast. My answer was 400 M intervals. If I run @ 3:30/K pace, I finish in 1:24. If 3:45/K, 1:30. And if 4:00, 1:36. I came under 1:24 in all five sets. Of course, it doesn't mean I can keep the same pace for another 600 M. But if I'm to renew my PR of 41:02 for 10 K, I should be accustomed to running under 4:05 per K. Once I get used to this speed, I should be able to rest less and yet be able to keep the same speed, and also be able to repeat it more often. 

Intervals: 5 sets by 400 M
Warm Up 540 M: 3:36.90 
1st 400 M: 1:16.50
Jog 400 M: 2:48.63
2nd 400 M: 1:17.72
Jog 400 M: 2:41.26
3rd 400 M: 1:17.26
Jog 400 M: 2:43.34
4th 400 M: 1:22.45
Jog 400 M: 2:52.96
5th 400 M: 1:22.73
Warm Down 940 M: 13:55.04
Total 5.08 K: 35:14.79

Tonight I ran in the split-toe shoes traditionally worn by construction workers in Japan. They are called 'jikatabi'. They are comfortable all right. But once I started running fast, they felt heavy. I'm afraid I'm used to running without shoes so much that even the lightest of minimalist shoes feel heavy for me. 

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