Monday, February 11, 2019

Three Reasons You Should Watch "The Wizard of Oz"/『オズの魔法使い』(1939)("The Wizard of Oz")を見るべき3つの理由

If you haven't watched 1939 musical "The Wizard of Oz" yet, you should watch it. There are three reasons:
1) It moves you.
2) It's educational.
3) It's artistically impressive.

Let me illustrate them one by one.

1) It moves you.
The musical moves you. How does it do it? Well, by making you realize the importance of something that you often take for granted. In this movie it is "your home" and "people you live with". Dorothy, the main character of the movie ends up in unknown land, away from home and away from people she lived with. Through her journey she realizes how precious they truly are. Through the eyes of Dorothy, those of us who watch the movie also stop and think about how precious their home is as well as people who we live with are to our lives. 

2) It's education.
How do you judge that something is educational? One way is to see whether or not it helps one to mentally grow as an individual. What is a measurement of one's mental growth? One yardstick is the range of different people you can be friends with.  What is an essential element of becoming friends with a variety of different kinds of people. According to motivational speaker Brian Tracy it is your self-esteem. Self-esteem is how much you can say, "I like myself" from the bottom of your heart. When your ego is not fully matured, you cannot genuinely say, "I like myself." When you watch the musical, you get to learn that one big reason one cannot say "I like myself" is a feeling of inferiority. In the musical there are three other chief characters alongside Dorothy. They are Scarecrow, Tin Man, and Lion. They all have a feeling of inferiority, a feeling that something is fatally missing. For Scarecrow, it's a brain. For Tin Man it's heart. And for Lion, it's bravery. As we see them struggle to get what they want through their journey, we learn that we are not the only people who suffer a feeling of inferiority. We come to accept that every feels inferior in one way or another.  And as we see the three characters overcome their inferiority complex, we feel that we too can overcome our feeling of inferiority if we try. We get empowered.  It's a major confidence booster. 

3) It's artistically impressive.
Two things stand out artistically when you see the musical. One is acting. The other is stage direction. As far as the former is concerned, Lion's acting is beyond description. Because it's a musical, there is a solo singing every now and then. When Lion sings, you can immediately tell that he is not only an accomplished singer, but also a highly trained and tremendously experienced stage performer. His voice inflection and versatility in facial expressions are particularly of note. He never ceases to impress us viewers with the way he speaks, sings, and acts. 

Also impressive is stage directions. In one scene a whole army of Satans fall onto the ground from the sky. Of course they come down on wheels along wires. Now the same scene can be created by CG much more cheaply and easily. But that's not the point. The point is that when you imagine the amount of energy put into making the scene, especially when you consider the fact that everything was hand-made, it is simply awe-evoking. It reflects the massive scale of film-making of the times.  

To conclude, "The Wizard of Oz" is worth watching for the three reasons I mentioned above. It makes you realize the importance of your home and people you live with, and teachers you that you can overcome your inferiority complex, and it impresses you in more ways than one with excellent acting and stage directing.  I hope you will watch it to share my experience.


1)  心がジーンとする。

2)  教育的学びがある。
教育的学びがある、とは何を意味するか?それは「自我の成長に寄与する」内容だと、ここでは便宜上定義する。自我の成長は、何によって計るか?周囲と折り合う能力によって計られると考える。周囲と折り合う能力には何が必要か?世界的なmotivational speakerBrian Tracyによると、それはself-esteemだと言う。それはI like myselfと言える心と言い換えられる。しかし自我が未成熟だと、人はI like myselfと言い切れないことがある。理由は何か?それが「劣等感」であることが、作品を見ると分かる。作品には主人公のDorothyの他に3人の重要な登場人物がいる。「案山子(かかし)」と「ブリキ男」と「ライオン」だ。彼らはそれぞれ劣等感を持っている。「案山子」は「脳ミソ」が、「ブリキ男」は「心」が、「ライオン」は「勇気」が、それぞれ欠けていると感じていて、そのことに劣等感を抱いている。3人は旅を通して、もがきながらもやがては劣等感を克服する。その姿を見ながら視聴者の私たちは、人には誰にでも劣等感があることを悟り、そのことを受容する。劣等感に苦しめられているのは自分だけではないのだと知ることで苦しさが和らぐ。そして彼らの克服体験を目の当たりにすることで、自分も乗り越えられるかもしれないという前向きな気持ちを喚起される。それは自我の成長に寄与する。

3)  芸術的に見所がある。



An English version coming soon!

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